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283 原稿の言語 Earth Song What about sunrise What about rain What about all the things That you said we were to gain... What about killing fields Is there a time What about all the things That you said was yours and mine... Did you ever stop to notice All the blood we've shed before Did you ever stop to notice The crying Earth the weeping shores? 翻訳されたドキュメント ŽemÄ—s daina Earth song. | |
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617 原稿の言語 この翻訳依頼は意味だけで結構です。 It's been a month since we last spoke and i have... It has been a month since we last spoke and I have no idea what happened, why I have lost you. It has been so sudden and completely unexpected. I still cannot forget you, it would be much easier if you explained it to me. You know that I would understand if you found somebody else. Am I asking you for too much? I don't think you can imagine the pain I am going through. I have been in love with an angel who suddenly disappeared and I cannot find myself in the world without him. Especially because I don't know the reason. I cannot do anything more than that, I can just beg you to explain to me some things and then we can both go. I just hope that nobody would ever hurt you as much as you hurt me - nobody deserves it. As usual, addressed to a male
Text corrected: i ---> I hurted ---> hurt 翻訳されたドキュメント Ka kaluar gati një muaj që kur kemi folur herën e fundit dhe... | |
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177 原稿の言語 Je ne sais pas pourquoi je t'aime Je ne sais pas pourquoi je t'aime alors que tu n'as aucun respect pour moi. Je suis une fille sérieuse mais tu ne le comprends pas. Tu vas me manquer mais nous n'avons aucun avenir ensemble. Je t'aime et te souhaite d'être heureux. expliquer à mon compagnon ce que je pense 翻訳されたドキュメント Nuk e di përse të dua | |
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412 原稿の言語 この翻訳依頼は意味だけで結構です。 Hej Olia. Jeg har fÃ¥et din email oversat til et... Kære Olia. Jeg har fÃ¥et din email oversat til et fornuftigt dansk og jeg hÃ¥ber at denne oversættelsesservice ogsÃ¥ vil hjælpe dig. Vi har det godt og gÃ¥r, som pensionister, hjemme og laver lidt forbedringer pÃ¥ huset. Vi har fÃ¥et lidt sne og der er 3 grader varmt. Vi er ved at forberede julen sammen med familien. Hvor og hvordan holder du jul? Hvor bor du nu og hvad fÃ¥r du tiden til at gÃ¥ med? Vi taler ofte om dig og er glade for at have mødt dig og vi nød vores tur med skibet. Kærligst Rita og Ole Som det fremgÃ¥r af teksten er denne privat og en "stram" oversættelse er ikke nødvendig. Takker pÃ¥ forhÃ¥nd. Hilsen Ole 翻訳されたドキュメント Ðлектронное пиÑьмо | |
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