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Translation - Arabic-French - أستلقي على ظهري

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: ArabicFrench

Category Free writing - Love / Friendship

This translation request is "Meaning only".
أستلقي على ظهري
Submitted by sammahir
Source language: Arabic

أستلقي على ظهري
Remarks about the translation
أريد ترجمة المعنى ليس حرفيا
elmota: I fixed it, the other options would be:
استلقِ على ظهري

Je m'allonge sur le dos

Translated by pandimonium
Target language: French

Je m'allonge sur le dos
Validated by Francky5591 - 24 August 2007 09:26

Last messages


22 August 2007 20:06

Number of messages: 2747
Salut Pandemonium

Ton français semble parfait. Comme je ne lis pas l'arabe je demande l'avis de la communauté.


CC: Francky5591

23 August 2007 16:34

Number of messages: 12396
J'ai cependant dû rectifier d'après la "bridge-translation" d'elmota qui dit : "lie on your back". Je sais que maintenant je peux valider

23 August 2007 17:59

Number of messages: 5
meme si la traduction ne concerne que le sens, celle qui est exacte est : je m'allonge sur le dos (etant donner que la langue de depart est l'arabe j'en suis certaine).

23 August 2007 18:11

Number of messages: 12396
OK, pandimonium, étant donné que je ne connais pas l'arabe, je veux bien te croire, pas de problèmes, mais alors il faudrait que tu contactes elmota. je peux la contacter, mais elle ne parle pas français, je lui adresse un message ci-dessous :

Hello, elmota, pandimonium says the meaning of
"استلقي على ظهري" isn't "lie down on your back", but "I'm liing down on my back", could you tell us if it is another possibility of translation? (maybe with some diacritics?) Thanks a lot!

CC: elmota

24 August 2007 07:21

Number of messages: 744
ok this is one of the times that I must have birdged before going to bed the thing is, the statement is written in the wrong way, because of a single letter, it could have read either way:
I lie down on my back
Lie down on my back
I must have miss read the last letter making it "your back" but in all ways, i cannot be "im lying down on my back"
so I edited the source to read "i lie down on my back" and kept in the notes field the other option "lie down on my back" both cases its a SINGLE letter change urrrgggh I hope people will pay more attention (including me) before they jot down

CC: Francky5591