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Vertimas - Rumunų-Prancūzų - nu te cred costele , vorbesti romaneste

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nu te cred costele , vorbesti romaneste
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Originalo kalba: Rumunų

nu te cred costele , vorbesti romaneste
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desolé ce n'est peut etre pas super mes traduction mais ma femme et roumaine et j'essaie de l'apprendre en cachette pour lui faire la surprise merci...

Je ne te crois pas, Costele, tu parles roumain!

Išvertė cristina-niculina
Kalba, į kurią verčiama: Prancūzų

Je ne te crois pas, Costele, tu parles roumain!
Validated by Francky5591 - 14 spalis 2007 15:31

Paskutinės žinutės


14 spalis 2007 06:51

Žinučių kiekis: 1910
Francky, it isn't "parle",it is "parles" because "vorbeşti româneşte" is 2nd person sg.( "(tu) vorbeşti româneşte" = "(tu) parles roumain".

14 spalis 2007 09:39

Žinučių kiekis: 12396
Thanks for the intention, Freya, but the verbe "parler" belongs to the first group (verbs ending in "er" at the infinitive). And these verbs, when at the imperative form, do not have an "s" at their end at second person singular
Have a look here

14 spalis 2007 10:28

Žinučių kiekis: 1910
I know the imperative, but the sentence doesn't have a exclamation mark...oops the original doesn't have an exclamation mark !! sorry(I first look at the phrase in Romanian).Yes, you are right because the French translation has exclamation mark at the end. Mes excuses!

14 spalis 2007 15:07

Žinučių kiekis: 1910
On second thought, exclamation or not, I know Romanian very well and "vorbeşti româneşte" is not an imperative form. If it were an imperative it should have been "Vorbeşte româneşte!" (Speak Romanian !).The form " Vorbeşti româneşte" is present 2nd person sg. Maybe, in the end, these signs should be better " ? ! " or even no sign at all This happens when you put exclamation where it isn't any
take a look here for the verb "a vorbi"
For understanding better, the phrase is something like this :" I don't believe you ,Costele! You really speak Romanian ? ! " (it's not really a question, it is more like a "surprise" for the person who says that.) or another explanation could be "I don't believe you, Costele! You speak Romanian (you speak Romanian and not other languages)...anyway, it depends on the context, but all I can say is that "vorbeşti româneşte" is not imperative.

14 spalis 2007 15:30

Žinučių kiekis: 12396
So if it isn't imperative, we French gotta use the pronoun before the verb, as only the imperative reads that way in French.
I'll edit the French text with "tu parles roumain"
Thanks for the help Freya!

14 spalis 2007 23:07

Žinučių kiekis: 2
merci a tous pour votre aide