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Käännös - Norja-Englanti - Hei shalegi75, takk for at du kontaktet meg! Jeg...

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Hei shalegi75, takk for at du kontaktet meg! Jeg...
Lähettäjä randriaoli
Alkuperäinen kieli: Norja

Hei shalegi75, takk for at du kontaktet meg! Jeg har tatt neste skritt og sendt deg en melding, og ser frem til å motta svar fra deg.

Nå er det bare en mail som skal til, så har vi kontakt!

Hello shalegi75, thank you for contacting me!

Kääntäjä pias
Kohdekieli: Englanti

Hello shalegi75, thank you for contacting me! I have now taken the next step and sent you a message, and I am looking forward to receive a reply from you.

Now, a message is all we need to keep in touch.
Huomioita käännöksestä
"skal til" can maybe be translated as "ought to happen".
Viimeksi tarkastanut tai toimittanut lilian canale - 2 Toukokuu 2008 14:12

Viimeinen viesti


1 Toukokuu 2008 20:17

lilian canale
Viestien lukumäärä: 14972
Hi Pia,

You know...I always have to suggest something!

Hello shalegi75, thank you for contacting me! I have now taken the next step and sent you a message, already looking forward to receive a new one from you.

Now, a message is all we need to keep in touch.

If that changes anything in the original meaning, forget it, OK?

1 Toukokuu 2008 20:36

Viestien lukumäärä: 8113
Yes come dear Lilian?

The source is not really saying "already", but I see now that it should have been "and looking forward to receive a reply from you." My fault!

I agree 100 with your last suggestion "Now, a message is all we need to keep in touch." It's much better and the meaning is still the same.

1 Toukokuu 2008 20:44

lilian canale
Viestien lukumäärä: 14972
In that case you should write: "...and I am looking forward...OK?

1 Toukokuu 2008 20:47

Viestien lukumäärä: 8113
Yes, thank you! I'll edit now.

2 Toukokuu 2008 09:10

Viestien lukumäärä: 1
Thank you pia, I am really happy!!