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Käännös - Englanti-Arabia - The Baloch-speaking population is estimated to be...

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Tämä teksti on saatavilla seuraavilla kielillä: EnglantiArabia

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The Baloch-speaking population is estimated to be...
Lähettäjä tiger_uae
Alkuperäinen kieli: Englanti

The Baloch-speaking population is estimated to be in the range of 20 to 30 million. However, the exact number of Baloch and those who are or claim to be of Baloch ancestry is difficult to determine.

الناطقين باللغة البالية يقدر عددهم بـ

Kääntäjä lkjhgfd
Kohdekieli: Arabia

يقدر عدد السكان الناطقين باللغة البالوجية ما بين 20 إلى 30 مليون. إلا أنه من الصعب تحديد عدد البالوجيين الدقيق و المتحدّرين من أصول بالوجية أو من يدّعون ذلك.
Viimeksi tarkastanut tai toimittanut elmota - 24 Elokuu 2008 07:30

Viimeinen viesti


16 Elokuu 2008 11:02

Viestien lukumäärä: 568
Hello lkjhgfd,
Your translation is incomplete.
In the original text:
"the exact number of Baloch and those who are or claim to be of Baloch ancestry is difficult to determine"
So it talks about two groups:
1.The Balohs
2.These who claim to be of Baloh ancestry.
and note the word "claim".
Try to edit your text taking both groups into consideration.