396 Alkuperäinen kieli Héraðsdóms ReykjavÃkur Ãr 2007, miðvikudaginn 7. mars, er dómþing Héraðsdóms ReykjavÃkur sett à Dómhúsinu við Lækjartorg og haldið af Sigurði.... héraðsdómara. Fyrir er tekið mál... gegn... Skjöl málsins nr. 1 - 29 liggja frammi. Af hálfu stefnanda sækir þing Skúli... hrl. Af hálfu stefnda sækir þing Sigurður... hrl. Lögmenn upplýsa að með aðilum hafi orðið sátt utan réttar og að málið sé fellt niður án kostnaðar. Málið er fellt niður. dómþingi slitið. Vottur Kristbjörg Edited thanks to Anna_Louise's notification
dómping I reckon is dómþing ... hérosdómara must be héraðsdómara ... aj - af ... meo - með ... niour - niður ... kostnaoar - kostnaðar ... Dómbingi - dómþingi ... Kristbjðrg - Kristbjörg (name) (01/03/francky)
Edited thanks to Bamsa's notification : Skjðl -> Skjöl bing -> þing (2 times) (01/04/francky) Valmiit käännökset Reykjavik District Court | |
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134 Alkuperäinen kieli Tätä käännöstä pyydetään ainoastaan merkityksen osalta. general notes The TVUPlayer is free software from TVU Networks. If anyone has sold you this software, they did so without our permission; we suggest you demand a refund. Valmiit käännökset TVUPlayer | |
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238 Alkuperäinen kieli Tätä käännöstä pyydetään ainoastaan merkityksen osalta. a.vertebralis Two of the described cases demonstrate vertebral arteries originating from the aortic arch just distal to the subclavian artery’s origin. Both of these patients presented with symptoms of vertebral insufficiency. Thus, cerebral angiography became important in diagnosing VBI. Valmiit käännökset vertebral arter | |
252 Alkuperäinen kieli Tätä käännöstä pyydetään ainoastaan merkityksen osalta. şüphe :) I think I just missed you. Anyway, I am off for a bike ride in your neck of the woods. Actually, I am taking the ferry across, but whatever! Have a safe flight, and I will see you tomorrow at one. By the way, what airline are you on? I totally forgot to ask you earlier, and I really have no idea. Valmiit käännökset Şüphe | |
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144 Alkuperäinen kieli IN WITNESS WHEREOF IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties to this Agreement have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first before written in accordance with their respective laws. Valmiit käännökset Buna ÅŸahit olarak | |
326 Alkuperäinen kieli Tätä käännöstä pyydetään ainoastaan merkityksen osalta. I wish u only the best in this world, but I am... I wish you only the best in this world, but I am not the one for you. I will just end up disappointing you. Don’t forget that Cxxn called me “şeytan†for a reason. I tease but do not please
I can’t leave my boyfriend and I will not go on and deceive you anymore. I actually care so much about you that the thought of me deceive/hurting you – hurts me!
I wish everything was so different! Valmiit käännökset Bu dünyada senin | |
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