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Översättning - Norska-Engelska - jeg ogsÃ¥ føler meg ensom og litt trist..uten...

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Denna text är tillgänglig på följande språk: NorskaEngelska

jeg også føler meg ensom og litt trist..uten...
Tillagd av Fatima-el-bourge
Källspråk: Norska

jeg også føler meg ensom og litt trist..uten særlig grunn. i morgen vi har konferanse om aids..og kvinner..gruer meg veldig. jeg bestilte internett, jeg skal få nettlinje neste uke..da kan vi møtes på msn. jeg sender en link der jeg jobber..les den hvis du gidder, du kommer ikke til å angre..det er morsomt.snakkes

I feel lonely and a bit bored too..for no

Översatt av pias
Språket som det ska översättas till: Engelska

I feel lonely and a bit bored too..for no particular reason. tomorrow we will have a conference about aids..and women..I dread a lot. I ordered Internet, I will have a connection next week..then we can meet at msn. I'm sending you a link to my it if you feel like it, you will not is funny.see you
Anmärkningar avseende översättningen
The source is written with smal letters, so I did the same here.
Senast granskad eller redigerad av lilian canale - 30 April 2008 02:12

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28 April 2008 17:27

lilian canale
Antal inlägg: 14972
Hi Pia,

Good work!

just a couple of remarks:

boring ----> bored
a/the connection

"I send you a link to my it if you have the energy,"

Perhaps "I'm sending (I'll send) it if you feel like,..."

What do you think?

28 April 2008 17:42

Antal inlägg: 8114
Ah, I thought that she felt that "she was a boring person" , not that she was bored (about her situation). Yes, you are right about the rest!

I'll edit, and thank you for your kind word.

28 April 2008 22:05

Antal inlägg: 8
"trist" could be translated to "bored" but in this connection i think it's supposed to be "sad". it should be: "I dread IT a lot", " ON msn", "i'm sending you a link FROM my JOB", "read it if you feel like IT", "you will not regret IT". Too many mistakes leaving out the pronoun "it".

28 April 2008 22:31

Antal inlägg: 8114
Hi Lilian, OrdinaryCat
I left the "IT" out because of the structure of the source text. But I think that "I dread IT a lot" and "on msn" sounds like good ideas..
Shall I edit Lilian?

28 April 2008 22:37

lilian canale
Antal inlägg: 14972
Hi Pia,
The only compulsory edition is perhaps "feel like it".
"on/at msn" is optional.

28 April 2008 22:53

Antal inlägg: 8114
Ok, I see.
So I 'll edit only "feel like it".