Cucumis - Gratis översättning online
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Originaltext - Engelska - Article: 78

Aktuell statusOriginaltext
Denna text är tillgänglig på följande språk: EngelskaTurkiska

Kategori Tal - Affärer/Jobb

Denna textöversättning avser Endast Betydelsen.
Article: 78
Text att översätta
Tillagd av rwtsha
Källspråk: Engelska

The employed shall transport the worker from the quarter at which the contract is signed with him to the place of work , and shall return him to the said quarter within three days from the date the work contract is terminated for any of the reasons indicated in the law , unless the worker refuses in writing to return during the said period
22 September 2008 09:19

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22 September 2008 11:02

Antal inlägg: 26
In my opinion "employed" should be "employer". Because employed means worker and the subject and the object of the sentence is the same here. Also the parties of a employment contract are the employer and employee.