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Översättning - Svenska-Engelska - Jag träffade honom pÃ¥ troika, den kända ryska...

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Jag träffade honom på troika, den kända ryska...
Tillagd av hannanderss0n
Källspråk: Svenska

Jag träffade honom på troika, den kända ryska resturangen i West End där jag brukade äta lunch.Han satt vid ett bord för sig själv och såg melankolisk ut. När jag satte mig mittemot honom, kom en servitris fram och tog hans tomma kopp."får det vara något mer?" frågade hon. Mannen svarade tvekande. "jag..jag tror jag skulle vilja ha ett glas vatten.

I met him in the Troika, the famous Russian restaurant

Översatt av gamine
Språket som det ska översättas till: Engelska

I met him in the Troika, the famous Russian restaurant in the West End where I used to have lunch. He was sitting at a table alone, looking melancholy. When I sat down in front of him, a waitress came and took his empty cup. "Maybe something more?" she asked. The man hesitated and replied: "I..I think I'd like a glass of water".
Senast granskad eller redigerad av lilian canale - 25 Mars 2009 15:47

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25 Mars 2009 13:41

casper tavernello
Antal inlägg: 5057
såg melankolisk ut = he seemed to be melancholic

Att se ... ut.

25 Mars 2009 13:39

Antal inlägg: 4611
Hello Casper; If I translate the way you say it would give: "Han verkade vare melankolisk" in Swedish.
Pia, can you help us please.

CC: casper tavernello pias

25 Mars 2009 13:42

casper tavernello
Antal inlägg: 5057
Well, Pia has voted for "right", so I withdraw my first post.

25 Mars 2009 13:47

Antal inlägg: 4611
Thanks Casper. Well don't be sad, usually it's I who's wrong.

25 Mars 2009 13:49

lilian canale
Antal inlägg: 14972
Perhaps it should simply be:
"He was sitting at a table alone, looking melancholy."

CC: pias

25 Mars 2009 14:24

Antal inlägg: 8113
I'm not always right Casper, and I was to fast too give a positive vote here! Sorry ...

Yes "såg melankolisk ut" reffer to the way he looks. Lilians suggest looks fine to me.

25 Mars 2009 14:32

Antal inlägg: 4611
Lilian's suggestion looks fine to me too.

CC: pias

25 Mars 2009 15:07

Antal inlägg: 8113
It's not hard to understand why you missunderstood it Lene, because if it had been a little "t" at the end "såg melankoliskt ut", (e.g. genom fönstret), your translation would have been correct.

25 Mars 2009 15:47

lilian canale
Antal inlägg: 14972
Thank you all.
Issue solved, job accepted, everybody happy!

25 Mars 2009 17:30

Antal inlägg: 4611
Thanks for comforting me Pia. Thanks for your help, Lilian and you Casper, once again, you're right. But I'll have you some day. Perhaps in a looong time, but just wait and see.

25 Mars 2009 17:37

casper tavernello
Antal inlägg: 5057
I was going to post something regarding the same propposal given by Pia about the "...melankoliskt..." (an adverb.), but I would say "tittade melankoliskt ut...".

25 Mars 2009 18:05

Antal inlägg: 4611
Thanks for your help Casper. Everything I learn is precious for me.

25 Mars 2009 19:33

Antal inlägg: 8113
How come Casper isn't a Swedish expert yet.

"såg" and "tittade" are synonyms, so I think you can use them both here.