Premjeras Andrius Kubilius vėl prabilo apie planus visas socialines išmokas mažinti vidutiniškai 5-10 proc. Tai esą bus numatyta rengiamame „specialiame kriziniame įstatyme“. Tuo tarpu pirmadienį buvo paskelbta, kad pensijos vidutiniškai gali mažėti 4-5 proc., apie kitų išmokų keitimo dydį nebuvo pranešta.
New political plans regarding social insurance in Lithuania
Premier Andrius Kubilius has broached the issue regarding plans to reduce all social insurance benefits by approximately 5-10 per cent. This is anticipated in the "special crisis law", which is being prepared at the moment. Meanwhile, on Monday it was announced that pensions might approximately be reduced by 4-5 per cent; nothing was announced concerning the alteration of other benefits.
Nakoniec potvrdené alebo vydané lilian canale - 27 októbra 2009 21:38
i am sorry for the silly mistakes, have just sent the corrected translation. "Has broached" definitely needs an object, and i misspelled word "crisis".