MUGAYLAN: deve dikeni çöllerde ve kurak yerlerde bulunan bir bitki olduğu için sevgilinin ka'be'ye benzeyen mahallesinin yolunda bulunduğuna inanılır. Mugaylan acı ve ızdırabın timsalidir.
Turkish language is a very difficult one. You must follow all the phrase to it's end as to conceive it's meaning. It has nothing to do with other languages of Asia, like the Arabic or the Persian. It's more close to the dialects of Mongols. And forget not, that by the time it became a Muslim one. In this text a Muslim voice is speaking, expressing the wisdom of the old Islam. Talking in an abstract way. Things in this text must not be taken as they are heard. But in any way I think that the translation in Italian is not bad. Close to the main meaning but with some faults, I think. I'm not a professional translator on Turkish poetic texts.