Cucumis - Huduma huria ya utafsirishaji mtandaoni
. .

Tafsiri - Kislovakia-Kiingereza - rudegirl second part

Hali kwa sasaTafsiri
Nakala hii inapatikana katika lugha zifuatazo: KislovakiaKiingereza

Category Song

rudegirl second part
Tafsiri iliombwa na hijodelodio
Lugha ya kimaumbile: Kislovakia

Je cas,
ten pravy cas,
zmenís veci
a mosty zapálís

Kazdú noc
kazdá rudegirl
si boty obúva.
Kazdú noc
kazdá rudegirl
caká na lepsí den.

Prasná cesta dáva
ze blízko je jej ciel.

Más, co vlastne más?
Slobodu orla,
ktory nikdy

Spat, nerob kror spat
pozdvihni zrak
a pozore sa dívaj

It´s the time-second part

Ilitafsiriwa na Cisa
Lugha inayolengwa: Kiingereza

It´s the time
the right time
you change things
and burn bridges

Every night
every rudegirl
shuffles her boots
Every night
every rudegirl
waits for a better time.

The hard journey
gives a sign
that the destination is near

Do you have what you really have?
The freedom of the eagle
that has never flown.

Sleep, don´t sleep yet
Raise up your eyes
and look carefully....
Maelezo kwa mfasiri
No idea what boty could mean, it is not even in the dictionaries. But according to the verb obúva, it must be some kind of shoes, as that verb is used only for taking up shoes.
Ilisahihishwa au kuhaririwa mwisho na kafetzou - 30 Julai 2007 00:04