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Tercüme - İngilizce-Latince - Acid Rain (Chuva Ácida)

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Kategori Sarki - Toplum / Insanlar / Politika

Acid Rain (Chuva Ácida)
Öneri Fenrir
Kaynak dil: İngilizce

The acid rain is burning right into your eyes.
Again your dreams may lose the glow.
Allow the sorrow of your thoughts to meet sunrise.
And shall the hopeful words bring love inside your heart.
The acid rain is burning your eyes!

Pluvia acida

Çeviri jufie20
Hedef dil: Latince

Pluvia acida inardescit in oculos tuos
Rursum somnia tua pereant in flamma
tristia cogitationum eant obviam ortui solis
verba plena spei portent amorem in cor tuum
Pluvia acida inardescit in oculos tuos

Çeviriyle ilgili açıklamalar
Concede ut = allow = redundant
En son jufie20 tarafından onaylandı - 16 Ekim 2008 13:08