בוקע is an interesting word. It can mean split, cleaved, or emerged. The literal translation is split, or cleaved, but it is also used to mean to erupt, to emerge, and to break through, all of which are also correct translations. In consideration of the English needed to make this clearer to an English reader, I chose to use emerged, which implies being split off from, or to be separated from.
Último validado ou editado por dramati - 22 Janeiro 2008 06:17
The translation is literally correct but for a tattoo I'd go with something shorter and more powerful such as: "Out of Darkness bursts light" or "Out of darkness comes light".
בוקע can also mean "burst out"
yes, that's exactly what ı want '' out of darkness comes light'' and the translation came to me that I sent u first time, could u write me correct one please??