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Traducción - Turco-Inglés - kömür tozu kedinin arkasında

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Este texto está disponible en los siguientes idiomas: TurcoInglésRumano

kömür tozu kedinin arkasında
Propuesto por muhammet57
Idioma de origen: Turco

kömür tozu kedinin arkasında
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Coal dust on a cat's back

Traducido por sirinler
Idioma de destino: Inglés

Coal dust on a cat's back
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Última validación o corrección por kafetzou - 10 Febrero 2009 18:01

Último mensaje


9 Febrero 2009 18:59

Cantidad de envíos: 2102
Hi Kafetzou, can you help me here, please? I don't understand, is it a saying in English? The text does not make sense (for me), maybe you have a better explanation.

Thank you!
CC: kafetzou

9 Febrero 2009 19:06

Cantidad de envíos: 7963
It's a word-for-word translation from Turkish into English, but it does not capture the meaning of the saying in Turkish, if there is one. I'm not familiar with it. Turkish experts, can you help us here?

P.S. I would say "on the cat's back", not "behind the cat".

CC: canaydemir handyy serba FIGEN KIRCI ankarahastanesi p0mmes_frites smy

9 Febrero 2009 19:09

Cantidad de envíos: 7963
If it's not an expression in Turkish, I would translate it as follows:

"coal dust on a cat's back" (with no verb - maybe it comes from some longer sentence, like "It disappeared like coal dust on a black cat's back".)

9 Febrero 2009 19:21

Cantidad de envíos: 2102
Thank you very much, than neither the Romanian text was correct.

10 Febrero 2009 10:04

Cantidad de envíos: 36
"coal dust on cat's back" sounds right

10 Febrero 2009 18:02

Cantidad de envíos: 7963
I've edited the English - Dramati, who originally accepted this, is no longer an English expert.