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Traducerea - Turcă-Engleză - serseri aşık asker ama birgün dönecek koleraya

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serseri aşık asker ama birgün dönecek koleraya
Înscris de Ellis15
Limba sursă: Turcă

serseri aşık asker ama birgün dönecek koleraya
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Bum in love

Tradus de merdogan
Limba ţintă: Engleză

Bum in love is in the army now, but one day he will come back to Kolera.
Validat sau editat ultima dată de către lilian canale - 12 Ianuarie 2009 12:47

Ultimele mesaje


7 Ianuarie 2009 20:19

lilian canale
Numărul mesajelor scrise: 14972
Is that "Hiker's lover"? Is Hiker a name?
Could "lover" be "beloved"?

7 Ianuarie 2009 21:23

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 3769
Hi lilian
Doesn't Hiker mean "Vagrant"?

7 Ianuarie 2009 21:44

lilian canale
Numărul mesajelor scrise: 14972
No, those have different meanings.
"Hiker" is someone who goes on extended walks for pleasure. A foot traveler.
While a "vagrant" is a vagabond, a wanderer, usually a homeless.

So...what do you mean by "hiker lover"?

7 Ianuarie 2009 22:20

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 3769
Dear lilian,
it is a difficult question.
"Hiker" is an idiom in Turkish. It can be use for negative or for positiv meaning.
We can say "I love this hiker" or
"Don't speak with him because he is a hiker."
Can you use this for your lover ? (forgive me)

7 Ianuarie 2009 23:26

lilian canale
Numărul mesajelor scrise: 14972
I think we need some help here.

Kafetzou, any suggestion?

CC: kafetzou

8 Ianuarie 2009 07:00

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 7963
Oh my God - what a funny result! "serseri" does not mean "hiker" or "vagrant" - it's more like a "ne'er-do-well", a "low life", or a "bum".

Maybe "bum" would be the best translation, as that can also be said with affection, even though the main meaning is negative.
But in Britain it means the same thing as "butt" in North America!

What is Kolera?

Here's my suggestion:

(He's a) bum - a soldier in love - but one day he'll come back to Kolera

CC: lilian canale

8 Ianuarie 2009 07:06

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 7963
Ah - I know now - Kolera is a Turkish rap music star!