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144 Langue de départ Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification. plate heat exchanger All plates are formed in one time with high precision mold so as to reduce the plate’s physical stress, improve the plates uniformity and prolong the plates useful life. Traductions terminées levha oluÅŸumu | |
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186 Langue de départ this is because teachers must ... this is because teachers must simultaneously know,respond to, and integrate multiple facets of their classroom settings;teacher expertise is not just technical;it is simultaneously social, experiential,and context-bound Traductions terminées öğretmen uzamanlığı | |
90 Langue de départ Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification. ımplementing ımplementing a time line to make sure that the activities of the project run to schedule and within budget Traductions terminées Projenin | |
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360 Langue de départ Jæja, hvernig lÃzt ykkur á nýja þjálfarann okkar?... Jæja, hvernig lÃzt ykkur á nýja þjálfarann okkar? Mjög áhugavert hvernig hann nálgast bunkai hlutann, þið sem ekki mætið á þriðjudagsæfingar meistaraflokks eruð að missa af miklu.
Mér finnst mjög gaman af honum. Skemmtilega æfingar og góður andi sem fylgir honum. Sárt að missa af þriðjudögunum en það reddast kannski sÃðar à vetur.
Ég fÃlann mjög!
hann er æðislegur :)
...og svo er hann með afbragðs gott sjálfsálit :) Traductions terminées Jaja, hvad synes I om vores nye træner? | |
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