85 Langue de départ Cobrança Ola boa tarde
recebemos o pagamento no valor de R$ 43.000,00 mas esta faltando o valor de R$ 18.000,00 Traductions terminées Cobranza | |
124 Langue de départ ×ž×©×¤×˜×™× ×§×¦×¨×™× 1. ×—×™×™× ×¨×§ ×¤×¢× ×חת 2. חייך ×œ×¢×•×œ× ×•×”×¢×•×œ× ×™×—×™×™×š בחזרה 3. ל×הוב ×œ×œ× ×’×‘×•×œ×•×ª . 4 . ×–×” הורג ×ותי 5 . ×—×™×™× ×‘×©×‘×™×œ ×”×”× ××” . 6 . Traductions terminées Short sentences Oraciones cortas | |
147 Langue de départ sinto muito meu amor quero te dizer que eu estou muito incomodada por ti . me sinto muito mal por estar tomando seu espaco e se tu quiser vou embora dou um jeito de onde ficar. eu ficarei bem portuques br Traductions terminées lo siento | |
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52 Langue de départ traducione Se seus desejos não forem extravagantes, eles serão realizados
chevre Traductions terminées Traducción | |
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1728 Langue de départ Major improvements Hi all, I've added 3 features to Cucumis which are worth being mentioned here.
[h2]1. email notification[/h2] From now, you can be notified by email when somebody ask for a translation that matches your language preferences. There is a 2 days delay before being notified. This delay give us the time to check the eventual mistakes on the target and source languages and maybe to give the priority to people who often check the website. The functionnality is not fully tested, so you might expect some bugs in the next few weeks. To use it, simply check the box "[cid=M604]" on the [link=t__]translation homepage[/link], and submit by clicking on the blue arrow.
[h2]2. RSS (Really Simple Syndication)[/h2] You can now use the [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS_%28file_format%29]RSS[/url] format in your favorite RSS reader to be warned about new available translations mathcing your language preferences. On the requested translations pages (for example [link=t_w_0_req_|||||0$1||||]this one[/link]), you can see the rss icon [img=http://www.cucumis.org/images/rss.png]RSS[/img] that links to the rss url. Simply add this url in your rss reader to be daily informed about new translation requests. Using the [url=http://www.netvibes.com/]netvibes start page[/url] (netvibes is one of the best rss reader, I recommend it), this is an example of what you can get : [img=http://www.cucumis.org/images/demonetvibes.gif]Cucumis translations matching your language preferences in netvibes[/img]
[h2]3. administrators and experts[/h2] Until now, translations was to be checked one by one and the load was very high for administrators and experts. Now they can check several translations in one click. I hope we can have more translations checked by our talented experts with this new system, and offer better quality to everybody.
[h2]That's all[/h2] Note that the greek interface has been recently added. Most of the job was done by [userid=13175]! Thanks! ...and thanks to all contributors!
Bye! Traductions terminées Améliorations importantes Aggiornamenti principali تØسينات مهمّة Mayores mejoras ΣημαντικÎÏ‚ βελτιώσεις Belangrijke verbeteringen Die wichtigsten Verbesserungen é‡å¤§æ”¹è¿› Melhorias principais Önemli GeliÅŸmeler ÃŽmbunătăţiri majore | |
202 Langue de départ Dr. Exma. Sra. Creio que o fax enviado não terá chegado completo. Agradecia que voltasse a tentar enviar o modelo da procuração judicial, por fax, ou por e-mail. Cordiais saudações, Evaristo Vieira
Fax - 226185235 e-mail – ejfvieira@tvtel.pt
Traductions terminées Dr. | |
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7 Langue de départ kendin ol kendin ol <Admin's remark> This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.
Traductions terminées kendin ol Tú mismo | |
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268 Langue de départ il mio maggiordomo arturo mi ha detto che oggi mi... il mio maggiordomo arturo mi ha detto che oggi mi ha cercato una ragazza italiana ma che quella scema della fidanzata di mio padre ha preso lei il telefono, spero che qualora fossi stata tu, non ti abbia offeso. Tra dieci giorni raggiungerò mia madre a Tenerife e rimarrò li fino ad ottobre. Sono molto triste, perchè non vieni con me? Traductions terminées Mi mayordomo, Arturo,... | |
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194 Langue de départ Hai ragione Hai ragione, mi spiace aver avuto poco tempo l'ultima sera ed esserci visti di fretta, certamente avrei preferito passare più tempo con te. Comunque ti auguro di passare delle ottime giornate di festa e divertimento nel tuo meraviglioso paese Traductions terminées You are right | |