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Traduction - Turc-Anglais - Sivil memur...

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Sivil memur...
Proposé par devran
Langue de départ: Turc

Sivil memur olabilmem için ögrenim şartı nedir?Arıca imkanlarınıda açıkca belirtirseniz sevinirim.saygılarımla.
Commentaires pour la traduction

Civil servant requirements/opportunities

Traduit par kafetzou
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

What are the educational requirements for me to be a civilian employee? If you could also describe the opportunities for me in detail, I would appreciate it. Sincerely.
Commentaires pour la traduction
The note under the Turkish says "ARMY", so I changed it from "civil servant" to "civilian employee", as that's what it's called in the army.
Dernière édition ou validation par samanthalee - 22 Août 2007 01:38

Derniers messages


21 Août 2007 13:30

Nombre de messages: 655
I think it must be "unmilitary officer" instead of "civil servant".

"civil servant" means "devlet memuru"

CC: kafetzou samanthalee

21 Août 2007 14:27

Nombre de messages: 7963
We don't have that term ( "unmilitary officer" ). We usually translate "memur" with "civil servant". What is a "sivil memur"? What kinds of jobs does s/he do?

21 Août 2007 14:36

Nombre de messages: 655
if we can define a civil servant in the army as a person who works for the army but they are not actually from the army. I mean they are not soldiers at all.then it is okey civil servant is good but otherwise think again .

CC: kafetzou

21 Août 2007 14:39

Nombre de messages: 7963
Does it have to be someone who works for the army? It's not someone who works in a post office, for example?

CC: serba

21 Août 2007 14:54

Nombre de messages: 655
look at the original text demander gives a remark under it ."ARMY"

21 Août 2007 15:01

Nombre de messages: 7963
Oh - sorry - I missed that. I'll change it to civilian employee.