Cucumis - Servizio gratuito di traduzione on line
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Traduzioni completate

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Lingua originale
Inglese Warning-original-revision
Warning, some [1]upload items[/1] (%l) from the original revision cannot be find in the edited revision, are you sure you want to go on?
Upload items are a sound or an illustration. They are integrated in the wiki article and can be recorded/edited by the visitor. Each upload item is identified by a number (called the "index"). When editing a wiki article, if one of the indexes has disapeared, the sound or the illustration will be deleted, that's why we must display a warning.

Traduzioni completate
Cinese semplificato 警告-原始-修订版
Cinese 警告-原始-修訂
Portoghese brasiliano Atenção-original-versão
Portoghese Atenção-original-versão
Albanese Kujdes-origjinale-perpunuar
Arabo تحذير -مراجعة-أصليّة
Italiano Avvertimento-originale-revisione
Tedesco Warnung-Original-Bearbeitung
Esperanto Averto-originala-revizaĵo
Svedese Varning-original-revision
Turco Uyarı-Orijinal-Yenileme
Olandese Waarschuwing - originele - versie
Spagnolo Advertencia-version-original
Rumeno Atenţie-versiunea-originală
Russo Внимание-оригинал-проверка
Catalano Avís-original-revisió
13Lingua originale13
Inglese The language being taught
When translating a language course, be careful not to translate the words written in the language being taught!
For example, you have a french lesson commented in english :
« "Bonjour" means "Hello" »
If you want to translate the lesson into italian it will be :
« "Bonjour" significa "Buongiorno" »

In this example the french language is the taught language and the english and spanish languages are the languages used to comment the lesson. "Bonjour" is kept untranslated.

Traduzioni completate
Rumeno Traducere-limbă-netradus!
Tedesco Übersetzen-Sprachkurs-unübersetzt!
Cinese 翻譯-語言-不翻譯!
Portoghese brasiliano Traduzir-idioma-não-traduzido!
Portoghese Traduzir-idioma-não-traduzido!
Albanese Perkthyer-gjuhe-joperkthyer!
Italiano Traduzione - lingua - non tradotta!
Arabo ترجمة-لغة-بدون ترجمة!
Turco çeviri-dil-çevirilmemiş
Cinese semplificato 翻译-语言-未翻译!
Esperanto Tradukante-lingvon-netradukitan!
Catalano Traduint-llengua-sense traduir
Svedese Översätta-språk-oöversatt
Ebraico שימו-לב-תירגום
Olandese Wees voorzichtig
Russo Перевод-язык-не переводить!
Spagnolo Traducion-lengua-no traducidas
Giapponese 翻訳-言語-未翻訳!
Bulgaro Превод-език-не превеждай
Ungherese fordítás-nyelv-lefordítatlan
Greco μεταφράζοντας-γλώσσα-αμετάφραστη!
Ceco Jazyk který je vyučován
Lingua originale
Inglese Expert

Traduzioni completate
Ebraico מומחה
Portoghese Expert
Lingua originale
Inglese 5000 members
[b]M[/b]ore than 5000 members have registered with and it's the opportunity to remind that without its members is nothing. Thanks to the members who spend part of their spare time for the community and [b]a special thanks to the experts of cucumis[/b], who check and edit all translations to make them as good as possible.
Waiting for the 10000th member, there is a lot of work to do here, making the interface more clear, the search of translations more easy, developing the project section, and the language course section too...

[img=]Top chart: number of members. Bottom chart: number of new members each day[/img] [img=]Members by country[/img]

Traduzioni completate
Portoghese 5000 Membros
Portoghese brasiliano 5000 membros
Bulgaro 5000 члена
Italiano 5000 membri
Tedesco 5000 Mitglieder
Francese 5000 membres
Olandese 5000 leden
Spagnolo 5000 miembros
Arabo 5000 عضو
Russo 5000 участников
Turco 5000 üye
Ebraico 5000 מנוים
Catalano 5000 membres
Rumeno 5000 de membri
Cinese semplificato 5000会员
Giapponese 登録メンバー5000人
Esperanto 5000 anoj
Albanese 5000 anëtarë
Svedese 5000 medlemmar
Lingua originale
Inglese Forever - Kiss
I gotta tell you what I'm feelin' inside, I could lie to myself, but it's true
There's no denying when I look in your eyes, girl I'm out of my head over you
I lived so long believin' all love is blind
But everything about you is tellin' me this time

Traduzioni completate
Italiano Per sempre - Bacio
Lingua originale
Portoghese brasiliano PAULO HENRIQUE ( BRASIL)
Paulo Henrique Deus é meu viver.

Traduzioni completate
Ebraico פאולו אנריקה (ברזיל)
Lingua originale
Inglese single sex and coeducational schooling: relationships to socioemotional and academic development
in the process of justifying their positions, advocates and attorneys favoring various positions in these controversies have used bits and pieces of research evidence.
thus, this article reviews the literature on the correlates of and possible influences of weather or not a school is coeducational or single sex.

Traduzioni completate
Ebraico בתי ספר חד מיניים ומעורבים: הקשר לסוציו-אמוציה (רגשות חברתיות) והתפתחות אקדמית
Lingua originale
Turco al sana
al sana
ne oluyo len serdar
geçmi gelecen
serdar damı orda
4 ledik
naber serdar
dur cevap vermedi daha
beosso ceci
ne oıluyoz
ne yapıyorsun
sen kimsin
abin loo
bebeÄŸim dur sen
serdar sen kimsin
ben kacar
geç kalma
hw r esposa
oldu gözlerim doldu
nasıl yani
anlamassın sen sabunluydu
ceci selamün aleyküm
no aleyküm selam this correct
yaa hadi ben kaçtım
yaw bırak bu ayakları
size bol sohbet
bende kacar
al buda kapak olsun
hacı byeeeee
bana sigara al
sen suzzzzzzz
cevap yazsana
ne cevabı
güle güle sana
o beni ilgilendirmiyor

Traduzioni completate
Inglese take your
Lingua originale
Inglese Principles to guide contemporary occupational therapy
These themes translate into three principles to guide contemporary occupational therapy: client- centered practice, occupational centered practice and evidence-based practice.

Traduzioni completate
Ebraico עקרונות להדרכת טיפול בעיסוק מודרני
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