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Traduzione - Inglese-Svedese - Supply and demand

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Supply and demand
Aggiunto da cucumis
Lingua originale: Inglese

Supply and demand: xRRR
Note sulla traduzione
Economical expression. Keep xRRR as it is, this is a ratio that will modify the cost of a translation.

Tillgång och efterfrågan

Tradotto da CocoT
Lingua di destinazione: Svedese

Tillgång och efterfrågan: xRRR
Ultima convalida o modifica di Porfyhr - 4 Settembre 2007 08:38

Ultimi messaggi


4 Settembre 2007 10:23

Numero di messaggi: 871
I think it is demand and supply translated here (which of course would make more sense)?

I am asking this because I have the choice in the finnish translation too....

4 Settembre 2007 10:27

Numero di messaggi: 165
I was a little surprised that the word used in English was "offer", to tell you the truth and, as it was described as an "economical expression", I opted for what I perceived was the most common one in Swedish, since I assumed (but I might be wrong) that "offer" and "supply" were pretty much synonyms in this context.
My knowledge of Swedish is passive, though, so I might be wrong. Tell me what you think