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179 Izvorni jezik kulturer individualisten blir först glad äver gästfriheten och värmen han mäter hos den som tänker kollektivt
man han förstår inte vad som förväntas av honom ?
han är rädd om sen integritet och undviker att bli beroende Dovršeni prijevodi Cultures ثقاÙات | |
200 Izvorni jezik Ovaj zahtjev za prijevodom traži "Samo značenje". Un jour, un instant, une seconde, un siècle, un... Un jour, un instant, une seconde, un siècle, un amour, une chaleur, douceur, mon c½ur bat toujours, il n'arrêtera pas tant qu il y a des sensations et un parfum d'amour qui me fait Sanger, la vie c'est des moments qui vaut rien si on ne la vit pas comme un rêve Dovršeni prijevodi يوم ØŒ Ù„Øظة ØŒ ثانية ØŒ قرن ØŒ ... | |
157 Izvorni jezik ä½ å¥½ï¼ ä½ å¥½ï¼ ã€€ã€€éžå¸¸æ„Ÿè°¢ä½ 还记得我,近æ¥ä¸€åˆ‡éƒ½å¥½å§ï¼   在制冷展上的认识也许是我们的缘分,ä½ ç»™æˆ‘çš„å°è±¡è¿˜æ˜¯æŒºä¸é”™çš„,希望我们常期ä¿æŒè”系,如果有到ä¸å›½å¹¿å·žæ¥çš„è¯éšæ—¶å¯ä»¥å’Œæˆ‘è”系。 ç¥ï¼šå·¥ä½œé¡ºåˆ©ã€ç”Ÿæ´»æ„‰å¿«ï¼ Cin Fuari Dovršeni prijevodi Hello! Merhaba! | |
364 Izvorni jezik How are you today? How are you today?. I believe that you are doing well as for me am fine here with all hopes to meet with you immediately after the transfer of my money to your position for a better life. God will bless and reward you for every effort you are about to make to see me out from this horrible prison called refugee camp where i am living today as a result of the untimely death of my parents(may their gentle souls rest in peace). molim da mi se prevodi na srpskom Dovršeni prijevodi Kako si danas? | |
12 Izvorni jezik Havet, min grav Havet, min grav Detta texten ska tatueras in pÃ¥ min pojkvän. texten betyder att han vill att hans grav ska vara i havet. Dovršeni prijevodi Mare mea sepulcrum | |
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14 Izvorni jezik I will rise again I will rise again I'm wanting to get a tattoo and the latin for "I will rise again" is really important to me but I need it to be accurate! The 2 versions I have are "Resurgem" and "Resurgo" so I'd like to know which it is. I've recently come through depression and want to mark this time on my body to remind myself that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Dovršeni prijevodi Resurgo | |
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