Hello turkishmiss, if he wants to "görüşmek", it's ok. But he wants to "tanışmak" in other words "birbirlerini tanımak". This means "to be acquainted with each other".
So, I think it's better like this: "I want to get acquainted with you." or "I want to make your acquaintance."
Merdogan bey, ben yabancı olduğum için emin olamıyorum ama, Türk erkekler için bir kız ile "tanışmak" "meet"ten daha samimi ve yakın olmak anlamına gelmez mi? Yani en az kişliğini bilmek istiyor. Ne dersiniz?
I'm so sorry. I would like to explain like this; In this case, he has met her before, because he knows her beauty. So he wants to know more about her. He wants to become acquainted with her (as a man).