Cucumis - خدمة الترجمة المجانية على الخط
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ترجمات كاملة

لغة مصدر
لغة الهدف

نتائج31201- 31220على مجموع تقريبا105991
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لغة مصدر
روماني fir-ar să fie
fir-ar să fie

ترجمات كاملة
تركي Lanet olsun!
لغة مصدر
تتطلب هذه الترجمة "المعنى فقط".
روماني sângele apă nu se face
sângele apă nu se face
<edit> "sange in apa nu se face" with "sângele apă nu se face"</edit (01/07/francky on Maddie and Freya's notification)

ترجمات كاملة
تركي kan suya dönüşmez
لغة مصدر
روماني Mi-e mult, mult, dor de tine, aÅŸtept telefon.
Mi-e mult, mult, dor de tine, aÅŸtept telefon.

ترجمات كاملة
تركي seni cok cok ozledim. Telefonunu bekliyorum.
لغة مصدر
روماني Åži cam atât că nu mai ÅŸtiu să scriu în ...
Şi cam atât că nu mai ştiu să scriu în engleză.

<edit>"si cam atat ca nu mai stiu sa scriu in engleza" with "Şi cam atât că nu mai ştiu să scriu în engleză."</edit> (12/22/francky thanks to Maddie)

ترجمات كاملة
تركي Ve hemen hemen hepsi bu kadar ...
لغة مصدر

Thirty new chapters, including West Nile encephalitis, pain management, ophthalmic emergencies, veterinary dosage forms and delivery systems, biosecurity, and many more
Expanded coverage in most sections, including exotic and laboratory animals, toxicology, and zoonoses
An additional 300 images, illustrations, and multimedia elements
Updated advanced search, featuring search by topic, species, specialty, disease, and keyword

ترجمات كاملة
تركي Bu yayında yeni olanlar!
لغة مصدر
تتطلب هذه الترجمة "المعنى فقط".
انجليزي learners design multimodal texts with intention...
when meaning makers design texts,they do so based within their interest topic

ترجمات كاملة
تركي Anlam yükleyiciler
لغة مصدر
تركي raporum ekli dosyada bilginize sunulmuÅŸtur....
raporum ekli dosyada bilginize sunulmuÅŸtur.
almanya ya mail göndereceğim gönderi notumda yazmak istiyorum yardımcı olursanız sevinirim

ترجمات كاملة
ألماني Mein Bericht...
انجليزي For your information, my report is presented...
لغة مصدر
صربى Vidim da sam ti nedostajala sa bockanjem
Vidim da sam ti nedostajala sa bockanjem
Please help me translating this. If you are not sure 100%, letting me know what it is close to meaning would also help. I would appreciate it word by word, but if it isn't possible, its ok!=)
thank you

ترجمات كاملة
انجليزي I see you've missed what I typed.
إسبانيّ Ya veo que no te ha llegado lo que he escrito.
لغة مصدر
انجليزي Choose a haircut that compliments your features.
Choose a haircut that compliments your features.

ترجمات كاملة
تركي saç modeli
لغة مصدر
انجليزي The first group of goals is about reducing user...
The first group of goals is about reducing user cognitive loads. In order to achieve the first group of these goals, seven design principles should be achieved.

ترجمات كاملة
تركي hedeflerin ilk grubu kullanımı azaltma hakkındadır
لغة مصدر
انجليزي particularly in times
particularly in times of highly publicized corporate scandals;its important to remember that thousands of socially responsible business remain committed to laving a positive impact on their local community,he nation and the world as a whole

ترجمات كاملة
تركي özellikle bu zamanlarda
لغة مصدر
انجليزي Usually an estimate can be done by doing an...
Usually an estimate can be done by doing an "eyeball" evaluation of the thin areas, and measuring a few of these areas that are the furthest flow distance from the gate.
teknik bir metindir, konusu basınçlı dökümdür.

ترجمات كاملة
تركي Genellikle bir tahmin yapılabilir ki o da....
لغة مصدر
تتطلب هذه الترجمة "المعنى فقط".
انجليزي hold all to aces
hold all to aces

ترجمات كاملة
تركي yıllara meydan okumak
لغة مصدر
تتطلب هذه الترجمة "المعنى فقط".
روسيّ tebya zabity nelzya i nevozmojna tido sihpor...
tebya zabity nelzya i nevozmojna tido sihpor samoe neveroyatnoe i neobiknovennoe v moey jizni
merhaba sizden ricam bu sms'yi türkçeye cevire bilir misiniz. çok makbule geçer.
şimdiden tşk ederim. mümkünse türkçesini mail adresime gönderseniz minnet duyarım.

ترجمات كاملة
تركي Seni unutmam imkansız
لغة مصدر
انجليزي We broke up into the ice
We broke up into the ice and lost the skimobile at the bottom of the lake.James got out of the freezing water but l could't.Because l hurt my left shoulder and there was a deep pain on my back
Ödevim var ama tıkandım,çeviremiyorum.
Şimdiden yardım için çok teşekkürler...

ترجمات كاملة
تركي Buz Jipi
لغة مصدر
تتطلب هذه الترجمة "المعنى فقط".
انجليزي Very sick Polish boy...
A very , very sick Polish boy (8 years old) Has a dream to get many postcards from different countries. His adress is:

Mateusz Lang
ul. Wiślana 37
70 - 885 Szczecin

A website about him:

ترجمات كاملة
إسبانيّ Un niño polaco muy, muy enfermo...
صربى TeÅ¡ko bolestan dečak iz Poljske
إيطاليّ Aiuto bambino malato
ألماني Ein sehr, sehr kranker polnischer Junge
تركي Polonyalı çok hasta bir erkek
مَجَرِيّ Egy nagyon beteg lengyel kisfiú...
لتواني Labai sergantis lenkų tautybÄ—s berniukas...
لغة مصدر
تتطلب هذه الترجمة "المعنى فقط".
أوكراني Я кохаю тебе мій янгол
Я кохаю тебе мій янгол

ترجمات كاملة
انجليزي I love you, my angel
مَجَرِيّ Szeretlek, angyalom
لغة مصدر
تتطلب هذه الترجمة "المعنى فقط".
انجليزي As Mr.John Oakhurst,gambler,stepped into the main...
As Mr.John Oakhurst,gambler,stepped into the main street of Poker Flaton the morning of twenty-third of November,1852,he seemed to sense a change that had taken place in the town state of mind since the nigt before.

ترجمات كاملة
تركي As Mr.John Oakhurst,gambler,stepped into the main...
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