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ترجمات مطلوبة: كلنغونيإيرلندي

صنف موقع ويب/ مدونة/ منتدى - حواسب/ انترنت

إقترحت من طرف cucumis
لغة مصدر: انجليزي


Trang chủ

ترجمت من طرف Nga988
لغة الهدف: فيتنامي

Trang chủ
آخر تصديق أو تحرير من طرف cucumis - 5 تشرين الثاني 2005 07:35

آخر رسائل


8 أيلول 2005 10:54

عدد الرسائل: 3785
Thanks Nga. I have edited your translation to put your comment "(home page)" in the "remark" field.
Why is there a "-" between the words?
In vietnamese, is it opssible to put uppercase for the first letter ("Nhà - trang chủ"?

8 أيلول 2005 17:57

عدد الرسائل: 2
Sorry that I didin't explain carefully. "-" in this case is "or" ,I'm too lazy to write more. Actually " nhà " means house , home , familly or home page. So you only can understand the meaning of the word when you put it in a sentence or a situation. Vietnamese 's simillar with English or French or Spainish , because it was invented by French and Spanish missionaries (or evangelist ??) .
So in this case , you should put the word : Trang chủ

8 أيلول 2005 19:04

عدد الرسائل: 3785
Why not using "Nhà" ? it will be used as a website menu item, so with this context, every body will understand it means "Home page"?
"Trang chủ" means also "home page" but can be understood without any context, isn't it?
Could you tell me what is commonly used by vietnamese websites?

9 أيلول 2005 10:09

عدد الرسائل: 2
" Trang chủ " is commonly used by Vietnamese website and can be understood without any context. " Nhà " means home ,but more like a familly , a house (building , villa can also be called "nhà", in Vietnamese grammar , it 's general noun )