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425 Γλώσσα πηγής merhaba;ben travian türkiyede ... merhaba;
ben travian türkiyede majeste kullanıcı ismiyle oynuyorum hangi oyun dünyasında hesap açsam hesabımda aynı sorun ile karşılaÅŸtım önce multihunter daha sonrasında adminle kurduÄŸum dialoglardan bir sonuç elde edemedim sorun ÅŸudur aldığım vahaların üretimime eksik yansıması görevlilerin ilgisizliÄŸi ve sorun yok demeleri ısrarla sorunu düzeltmekten kaçınmalarıdır (aldığım vaha tahıl vahası deÄŸil odun vahasıdır) verdiÄŸim emeÄŸe saygı gösterilmesini istiyor bana yardımcı olmanızı rica ediyorum Ολοκληρωμένες μεταφράσεις Guten Tag, ich spiele in der Türkei... | |
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301 Γλώσσα πηγής Το ζητούμενο για αυτή τη μετάφραση είναι "μόνο το νόημα". ikinci bahar Gamze gamze bir gülüver simdi Beni gögsüne aliver simdi Mevsimi geçti susadim aska Benimle bir bütün oluver simdi
Ikinci Bahar yasiyor ömrüm Gel benim yarim oluver simdi Seni gül gibi öpe koklaya Gözümden,dilimden sakinir,saklar Bugünkü aklimla severim simdi
Siirler sarkilar söyleyerek Mehtabi birlikte seyrederek Benimle bir rüya kuruver simd Ολοκληρωμένες μεταφράσεις Lächele jetzt... | |
306 Γλώσσα πηγής Vi har haft dÃ¥ligt väder i Tyskland men det... Vi har haft dÃ¥ligt väder i Tyskland men det gjorde inte sÃ¥ mycket Cochem och Celle var helt fantastiska att gÃ¥ i Och att se hur de tillverkade vin pÃ¥ en liten vingÃ¥rd utanför Trier
Och i Enkirch var det vinfestival och man krönte en vindrottning Och fest i ett stort tält med ca 500 tyska människor och en del från Holland och så vi………..
Men det var mycket trevligt Ολοκληρωμένες μεταφράσεις Wir haben in Deutschland schlechtes Wetter gehabt | |
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170 Γλώσσα πηγής Το ζητούμενο για αυτή τη μετάφραση είναι "μόνο το νόημα". elimde degil seni cok seviyorum.seni herseyden... elimde degil seni cok seviyorum.seni herseyden kiskaniyorum.sana olan askim beni bu hallere koydu.lütfen bunun icin bana kizma.sen sevmesende ben sevecek,sen unutsanda ben unutmayacagim biricik askim... Ολοκληρωμένες μεταφράσεις Ich kann nichts dafür | |
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930 Γλώσσα πηγής The Owl and the Pussy-cat (Poem by Edward Lear) The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea In a beautiful pea-green boat They took some honey and plenty of money Wrapped up in a five pound note. The Owl looked up to the stars above And sang to a small guitar “O lovely Pussy! O Pussy my love What a beautiful Pussy you are You are You are! What a beautiful Pussy you are!â€
Pussy said to the Owl “You elegant fowl! How charmingly sweet you sing! O let us be married! too long we have tarried: But what shall we do for a ring?†They sailed away for a year and a day To the land where the Bong-tree grows And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood With a ring at the end of his nose His nose His nose With a ring at the end of his nose.
“Dear Pig are you willing to sell for one shilling Your ring?†Said the Piggy “I will.†So they took it away and were married next day By the Turkey who lives on the hill. They dined on mince and slices of quince Which they ate with a runcible spoon And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand They danced by the light of the moon The moon The moon They danced by the light of the moon. Hi,
I'm looking for translations of this charming poem for my 99-year-old friend, Mr Hugh Stewart. You can see how we progress in collecting the translations at this site: http://www.bompa.org
Thanks very much in advance for every help. Ολοκληρωμένες μεταφράσεις Uglan og Kettan (Yrking eftir Edward Lear) | |
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107 Γλώσσα πηγής L'amore è un gioco Ho giocato con l'acqua e mi sono bagnato, ho giocato con il fuoco e mi sono bruciato, ho giocato con te e mi sono innamorato. Ti amo! Ολοκληρωμένες μεταφράσεις Amor ludusque | |