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17 Zdrojový jazyk Ø£Øبك Ø£Øبك أنا مثلك Ø£Øبك Ø£Øبك أنا مثلك Eu não tenho certeza se este site é destinado a este tipo de tradução, mesmo porque a pessoa que escreveu isto realmente não sabe nada de árabe, provavelmente deve estar usando algum tipo de programa q infelizmente não é de meu conhecimento, assim não importunaria ninguem com este tipo de texto, mas por curiosidade, e se for possÃvel, gostaria de ser informado sobre o que concerne o texto. Obrigado desde já. Hotové překlady I love you Te amo | |
1908 Zdrojový jazyk Happy new year 2007! A long time since my last post! There is so much to tell! I will try to do it as quick as possible.
A [url=http://www.techcrunch.com/tag/Cucumis/]nice article[/url] about cucumis was written by Mickael Arrington founder of the famous techcrunch blog reviewing the new web 2.0 products. Despite the article was quite incomplete about what we are doing here, it was very useful to reveal Cucumis to the entire world. Hundreds of blog articles were posted after this article, Cucumis was even featured on Finnish and French television. I've read many of those articles (those I can understand) and I was very pleased to see that most of the writers who tested the service was very satisfied by the quality of the translations we do here. Congratulations to all translators and, of course, to the [link=u_ml_0_exp_]great team of experts[/link].
Now the new features.
[b]This is new[/b] : - Until now, cucumis was not designed for people who can't speak a foreign language. Now it is! If you can't translate anything, we give you [cid=TC_BONUSPOINTS] points every [cid=TC_BONUSDAYS] day! - [link=u__]Who is online[/link], [link=u_st_]charts about new members every day, and country ratio[/link]. - [link=t_st_]Translation statistics[/link]. Looking at the pie chart of the translations to be evaluated, you can view the languages in which we need experts (Norwegian, Hungarian, Hindi, Swedish, Kurdish, Arabic, Korean, Albanian ...).
[b]This is very new[/b] : All members can now add translations in their favorites. You can view the list of your favorite translations from your profile page, and there is also a [link=t_w_0_favever_]top favorite translations list[/link].
[b]This is very very new[/b] : When the [link=u_ml_0_exp_]experts[/link] can't understand the source text of a translation, they still can evaluate the linguistic form of the translation but they can't for the meaning. Now, for the evalutations they can't do alone, they can [b]ask for the opinion of all cucumis.org members[/b]. According to the informations of your profile, you will be asked now and then to give your opinion on some translations. After collecting enough votes to make up ones mind, the translation is accepted or rejected.
Bye and happy new year to all of you! PLEASE, IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE ROMANIAN CHARACTERS ON YOUR KEYBOARD, USE THIS LINK TO GET THEM AND DO THIS TRANSLATION, AS TRANSLATIONS DONE WITHOUT THESE CHARACTERS WILL BE REJECTED. THANKS. http://romanian.typeit.org/ Hotové překlady Bonne année 2007! La MulÅ£i Ani pentru 2007! ΕυτυχισμÎνο το 2007! Feliz ano novo de 2007! Frohes Neues Jahr 2007! 猪年哼哼! ¡Feliz año 2007! عام جديد سعيد 2007! Buon 2007! | |
11 Zdrojový jazyk revolving door revolving door <Admin's remark> This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules. Hotové překlady puerta giratoria | |
17 Zdrojový jazyk Acho que me engracei Acho que me engracei This comes from a Brazilian short story by Dalton Trevisan, “A Faca no Coraçãoâ€. Really the only word I don't know is "engracei". Obviously it's first person (eu) preterit, but I can't find the definition anywhere. Thanks for the help!
Translation into English OR Spanish would be great. Hotové překlady I think I fell in love Creo que me he enamorado | |
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350 Zdrojový jazyk living dead dolls sadie date of death ... living dead dolls
date of death
chipboard poem watch this little one she´s pining away with her butcher´s knife coffin purse and black bouquel
death certificate no one cared how she turned yo dead so sadie chose to rise insted being casily forfotten wouldn´t be fair death was something this child had to share
did you know sadie was the first living dead dolls character ever created es de una muerta Hotové překlady Muñecas muertas vivientes | |
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406 Zdrojový jazyk non riesco a dormire..se avessi potuto ti avrei... non riesco a dormire.se avessi potuto ti avrei chiamato, ma ora lì sono le otto di sera e tu ancora non ci sarai a casa.sono inquieta, non so che fare,io non ci voglio stare qui. non ci voglio stare in italia e non ci voglio stare lontana da te.vorrei iniziare a fare acrobatica con te, a ballare, iniziare a studiare danza, perchè non ho mai avuto il coraggio di farlo ed ora mi si presenta un'opportunità bellissima accanto a persone che hanno intrapreso questa strada e che quindi potrebbero appoggiarmi. Hotové překlady No consigo dormirme... si hubiese podido te habrÃa... | |
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73 Zdrojový jazyk cuvinte ÃŽn consecinţă, Ana chiar avea mere ÅŸi Maria se măritase cu un străin de origine engleză.
Este prima ÅŸi ultima dată când mai fac astfel de modificări. Data viitoare textele introduse fără caracterele româneÅŸti se ÅŸterg automat. Hotové překlady Words Parole Palabras | |
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