Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Source language
English There was a child went forth every ...
There was a child went forth every day,
And the first object he looked upon, that object he became,
And that object became part of him for the day or a certain part of the day,
Or for many years or stretching cycles of years.

Completed translations
Hebrew חפץ
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Danish Respektér S.'s mor for den mor, hun er ...
Respektér S.'s mor for den mor, hun er, og det arbejde hun gør for vores datter S.
vil vise min respekt for min datters mor
<female names abbrev.>

Completed translations
Hebrew יש לכבד את אמה של ס'
Source language
Norwegian Lev for å elske
Lev for å elske
Ønsker teksten oversatt til hebraisk, arabisk og sanskrit

Completed translations
Hebrew לאהוב
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Eu amo como ama o amor
Eu amo como ama o amor

Completed translations
Latinh Amo ut Amor amat.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portuguese Senhor Deus, guarda a minha família!
Senhor Deus, guarda a minha família!
Senhor Deus, guarda os meus pais!
Bem, gostaria de saber como ficaria no Latim as frases que eu digitei, pois pretendo homenagear os meus pais com uma delas. Muito obrigado.

Completed translations
Latinh Domine, custodi mea familia
Source language
English However, the help they provide is limited by...
However, the help they provide is limited by several flaws:
The result is that many GUIs are full of design errors. Some errors are semantic
and can be detected only by people who understand the application’s target
users and tasks. However, many GUI design errors would be easily detected by
most UI professionals, even those unfamiliar with the users and tasks. Such
errors are GUI control bloopers. They fall into two categories:
GUI : graphical user interface

Completed translations
Turkish Fakat, sağladıkları yardım sınırlıdır
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romanian Omule, mai trăieşti? Trimite şi tu măcar un mesaj...
Omule, mai trăieşti? Trimite şi tu măcar un mesaj... Vii acasă până de Crăciun? Eu plec în Anglia pe 5 ianuarie şi aş fi vrut să ne vedem până atunci.

Completed translations
Italian uomo, sei ancora vivo? Mandaanche tu almeno un messaggio.
Turkish hala hayatta mısın .....
Source language
Portuguese Cuidamos de sua saúde através da ...
Cuidamos de sua saúde através da criação de uma ampla rede de cuidados. Nossa ideia: promover a vida com qualidade e eficiência.
inglês britânico

Completed translations
English We take care of your health by ...
Latinh Valetudinem tuam curamus ...
Source language
French Au fond de mes pensées
Si je replonge au fond de mes pensées, c'est pour ne pas t'oublier.
bonjour, je viens de perdre quelqu'un de ma famille et je voudrais me faire tatouer une phrase en latin pour ne jamais l'oublier. je vous remercie d'avance.

Completed translations
English If I fall to the bottom of my thoughts ...
Latinh Si in pessum cogitationum mearum me mittam...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek Ναι ρε συ, όλοι έχουν τέτοιες μηχανές εκεί
Ναι ρε συ, όλοι έχουν τέτοιες μηχανές εκεί.
Before edit: "nai re sy oloi exou tetoies mhxanes ekei."
to komentarz do zdjęcia, w odpowiedzi na czyiś komplement.

Completed translations
Polish Tak, tam wszyscy majÄ… takie maszyny.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek Σ'αγαπάω πάρα πολύ
Σ'αγαπάω πάρα πολύ, από την Αθήνα. Μάτια μου, είναι "από το Βελιγράδι" . Θέλεις το μάθημα Ελληνικά;
Before edit: "S'agapao para polli apo tin A8ine.
Ma8ia mou, eine "apo to Veligradi". 8elsi to ma8ima Ellinika? "

Completed translations
English I love you very much
Serbian грчки
10Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".10
Russian У того, кто на это осмеливается, нет мужества ,...
У того, кто на это осмеливается, нет мужества ,
Тот, у кого этого нет совсем, чувствует себя хорошо,
Тот, кто этим обладает, ужасно беден,
Тот, кто успешен, тот разрушается,
Тот, кто это дает, тверд как камень,
Тот, кто это любит, остается один

Completed translations
Serbian Prevod
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