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Translation - Russies-Klingon - Разрешенные языки

Current statusTranslation
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Разрешенные языки
Submitted by cucumis
Source language: Russies Translated by afkalin

Вы не можете переводить на этот язык (LLL)

Holmey chaw'lu'bogh

Translated by stevo
Target language: Klingon

(LLL) Hol Dalo'taHvIS, DamughlaHbe'.
Remarks about the translation
{DamughlaHbe'} literally means "you can't translate (it)", which is what the Russian means literally. But if the Russian intent is "you won't be permitted to translate (in these languages)", then {Damugh 'e' wIchaw'be'} - lit. "we won't permit you to translate (it)" - is preferable.
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur stevo - 31 December 2007 11:32