Frøken, om du tillater det, jeg ville gerne holde kontakt med deg med denne.
Takk.. Vennlig hilsen
Remarks about the translation
This text should be translated into Nynorsk, and I would like to know from Hege whether she could please do it (if she can understand my Bokmål trial above:O).
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur Hege - 18 April 2008 15:53
I think that "por meio deste" would most commonly be translated to "herigennem" in Danish - the reason why I´m mentioning this is that it SEEMS wrong to me (or to my ears!) to say "med denne". However, I don´t speak Norwegian, so I´m only basing this on my knowledge of Danish.....
I didn't know actually how I could say that in Norwegian, since there's no special word (like in Swedish) for that.
Maybe there's an equivalent, "herigjennom" or just "gjennom den her...".
And I hope that Hege had read my message under the text.