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Original text - Greek - ετοιμάσου να φύγουμε

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ετοιμάσου να φύγουμε
Text to be translated
Submitted by stellou86
Source language: Greek

ετοιμάσου να φύγουμε
Remarks about the translation
Bridge by User10 : "Get ready so that we leave/go"
Edited by Francky5591 - 30 July 2010 22:49

Last messages


29 July 2010 13:38

Number of messages: 12396
Hi Christina!

Is the verb conjugated at the imperative, or is it just an infinitive?

Thanks a lot!

CC: User10

30 July 2010 22:34

Number of messages: 1173
Happy Birthday, Franck!

Imperative (sec.sing.): "Get ready so that we leave/go"

30 July 2010 22:48

Number of messages: 12396
Thanks a lot Christina! (I'm really spoilt, as you wished me birthday twice today!)

...and thanks for the information relative to the text (BTW)

I'll release that request and I'll add the bridge you posted in the remarks field