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Translation - Czech-English - Ahoj,Jaafar,děkuji za poslané fotky.

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Category Letter / Email

Ahoj,Jaafar,děkuji za poslané fotky.
Submitted by jaafar
Source language: Czech

Ahoj,Jaafar,děkuji za poslané fotky.
Ale nerozumím,proč jsi mi napsal,že jsem Tvoje závada-Mängel???
Nedává mi to smysl.
Krásnou dobrou

Čauky,černoušku,nevím,cos mi to poslal za adresu,to jsou nějaké vtípky.
Na jaké spojení se díváš?
Mám opět noční službu.
Nějak mě to nebaví.
Ty asi spinkáš.
Ani nevím,kolik je Ti let.
Můžeš mi to prozradit?
Ať se Ti zdají krásné sny.
Pa.Pa.Bizu bizu.

Hi Jaafar

Translated by Cisa
Target language: English

Hi Jaafar,

thanks for the photos you´ve sent.
But I don´t understand why you´ve told me I was your weakness??
It doesn´t make any sense to me.
Good night, bye, KI

Hey, little brunette, I don´t know what you´ve sent to my address, these are some witticisms?
What links are you viewing?
I´m on a night shift again.
Somehow I don´t really care about it.
You are probably sleeping now.
I don´t even know how old you are.
Could you tell me?
May you have nice dreams.
Bye-bye, kisses
Validated by kafetzou - 12 July 2007 13:56

Last messages


6 July 2007 06:38

Number of messages: 7963
I was your lack --> ??
have any sense --> make any sense
Nice and good night --> ??

11 July 2007 23:43

Number of messages: 12396
-"I was your weakness" (?)
-"I was your failure" (?)

12 July 2007 07:07

Number of messages: 765