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151 原稿の言語 この翻訳依頼は意味だけで結構です。 ciao, se ti va di fare 4 chiacchere e ... ciao, se ti va di fare 4 chiacchere e vedermi in cam mi trovi qui www.#############.com/#######=####-########
ps. se il link non funziona copialo direttamente nella barra di explorer admin's message : No url allowed in the text frame from the public area here on cucumis.org, thank you 翻訳されたドキュメント Olá, se você quer bater um papo e... | |
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35 原稿の言語 この翻訳依頼は意味だけで結構です。 comment ca va ,mon amour tu me manque beaucoup comment ca va ,mon amour tu me manque beaucoup I've set this text in "meaning only" as it isn't correctly typed. Correctly typed, it reads : "Comment ça va? mon amour, tu me manques beaucoup" 翻訳されたドキュメント Nasılsın? | |
112 原稿の言語 tax cut tax cuts would actually increase revenues turned out to deserve the ridicule with which sober economists had greeted it in 1981."[2] 翻訳されたドキュメント vergi indirimi | |
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