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Ynskt mál

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10Uppruna mál
Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".10
Turkiskt seviyorummmmmmmmmmm
senı seviyorummmmmmmmmmm
canım msn ac göreyim seni cok özledim

luz senı seviyorum msn ye ac senı cok özledim
luzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz senı seviyorummmmmmmm

luzzzzzzzzz canımmmmmmmmmmmmm msn ac seni cok özledim göreyim seni senı seviyorummmmmmmmmm

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Portugisiskt brasiliskt Eu amooooooooooooooooooooo
Uppruna mál
Spanskt hola ...como estas,
hola ...como estas,

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Bulgarskt Здравей...Как си?
Uppruna mál
Enskt 2)Nothing hereinabove contained shall deprive...
2)Nothing hereinabove contained shall deprive recipient of the right to use or disclose any information:
a) which has, at the time of disclosure, been generally known to the public or which correspondended to the general state of technology, or
b) which becomes at a later date, generally known to the trade or the public through no fault of one of the parties, or

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Turkiskt Yukarıdakilerden hiçbiri.....
64Uppruna mál64
Enskt life is pain learn to enjoy it
life is pain learn to enjoy it
latinceye çevrilmesini istiyorum şimdiden teşükkürler..

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Franskt La vie est...
Spanskt La vida es dolorosa aprende a disfrutarla
Italskt La vita è dolorosa, impara a godertela.
Uppruna mál
Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".
Enskt The contracts made between the tenant and the...
The contracts made between the tenant and the owner, are made exclusively in favour of owners of trading houses.? At our tenants constitutional laws are restrained, they do not have any advantages?, - has underlined Mahmud Gubajdulin.

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Turkiskt kiracı yasası
Uppruna mál
Enskt fall back down
If I fall back down, you're gonna help me back up again

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Turkiskt Düşmek
Uppruna mál
Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".
Enskt Email Sweepstakes program
Dear Winner,
Winning Notification
This is to notify you that you have won £850,000.00 in
our online email lottery in which e-mail addresses are
picked randomly by computerised balloting, powered
by the Internet. Your email address was amongst
those chosen for this period.
<<I think it's better to warn this user in Turkish that it's a suspicious e-mail, used to make phishing.>>


Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Turkiskt Müşteri Hizmetleri Programı (sweepstakes)
10Uppruna mál10
Franskt Je ne suis pas une sorcière. Je suis la même que...
Je ne suis pas une sorcière. Je suis la même que les autres, je te souhaite une bonne nuit et bonne chance pour comprendre ce message.

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Turkiskt Ben bir cadı değilim
Grikskt Δεν είμαι μια μάγισσα. Είμαι η ίδια με...
Uppruna mál
Italskt Tanti auguri mostro
Tanti auguri mostro

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Rumenskt toate cele bune monstrule
Uppruna mál
Enskt .Far from being opportunistic weeds, cropping up...
.Far from being opportunistic weeds, cropping up wherever ploughed land exists, increasingly, the
complexity of arable plant communities is being recognised. For example, no fewer than 48
different arable communities have been identified, reflecting subtle variations in soil, aspect and
climate, whilst many rarer arable plant species show a high fidelity to certain historic areas.

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Turkiskt Fırsatçı yabani otlardan ziyade işlenebilir...
Uppruna mál
Norskt hei, jeg heter linn og er 14 år. jeg har bursdag...
hei, jeg heter linn og er 14 år. jeg har bursdag den 3 januar. jeg går i niende klasse på ytrebygda skole. jeg bor i bergen, det ligger på vestlandet i norge i fylket horderland. jeg har bare en lillesøster, hun heter ida.

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Franskt Salut, je m'appelle Linn et j'ai 14 ans.
Uppruna mál
Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".
Turkiskt deli yürek. bir tanem. sev beni.
deli yürek. bir tanem. sev beni.

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Enskt crazy heart
Danskt Vilde hjerte, min eneste ene,
Uppruna mál
Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".
Hebraiskt הת"ש בדרך לסיומו
הת"ש בדרך לסיומו

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Enskt The 'tash' is nearly over
Danskt Militærtjenestens privilegirer er næsten afviklet
Svenskt Militärtjänstens privilegier är nästan avvecklade.
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