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Uppruna mál
Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".

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Portugisiskt brasiliskt Você recebeu aquele arquivo?
Uppruna mál
Turkiskt EÅŸak

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Arabiskt حمار
Uppruna mál
Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".
Franskt le coeur perçoit ce que l'oeil ne voit pas
le coeur perçoit ce que l'oeil ne voit pas

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Arabiskt القلب يبصر ما لا تراه العين
Uppruna mál
Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".
Enskt My honey ! it is me,can you believe I am in...
My honey ! it is me,can you believe I am in St.-Petersburg. I can't believe ,it
was wonderful flight and they gave red vine in plane, wow,I have never tried
such tasty one!!!!!
I went the bus up to the Subway from the airport .In Subway long went, it
was so is delightful
I was in travel agency today, but my documents are not ready yet, it will

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Arabiskt حبيبي ! هذه أنا، هل يُمْكِنُ أَنْ تصدق أَنا في
11Uppruna mál
Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".11
Serbiskt ne dozvoli da juce bude ti sutra
ne dozvoli da juce bude ti sutra , da tudje pakosti ruse ti jutra podigni glavu i veruj u sebe , a oni koji te vole , znaj da uvek bice uz tebe . ljubim picika
please i need this translation so fast and so important olz any one

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Enskt don't let yesterday be your tomorrow
Arabiskt لا تجعل أمسك غدك...
Uppruna mál
Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".
Arabiskt Anta malaki. Mafish kelma te2dar tewsef enta...
Anta malaki. Mafish kelma te2dar tewsef enta benasbali eih. W ma atmana men a3mak rou7i, an yodfe2ouna al 7ob be7arara la yantafe2 lahibouha ila al abad. W ataman an a3ish ma3ak kol 7ayati...
Bonjour, ceci est un message que j'ai reçu de mon amie (francophone) et sur un portable français.. J'ai recopié fidèlement tout le texte avec les "3" etc qui remplacent j'imagine des caractères arabes mais je ne sais s'il s'agit d'un extrait de chanson ou d'un message personnel. Dans ce dernier cas il se peut que ce ne soit pas tout à fait correct aussi je vous saurai gré de mettre la traduction la plus proche de ce que la personne a voulu dire. Je vous remercie. IF YOU TRANSLATE IT IN ENGLISH, PLEASE USE UK ENGLISH. THANK YOU

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Franskt ..Tu es mon ange ...
Enskt You are my Angel, there is no word can describe what do you mean for me
569Uppruna mál
Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".569
Enskt Each small candle
Not the torturer will scare me
Nor the body's final fall
Nor the barrels of death's rifles
Nor the shadows on the wall
Nor the night when to the ground
The last dim star of pain is hurled
But the blind indifference
Of a merciless unfeeling world

And each small candle
Lights a corner of the dark...
From a song by Roger Waters

Please keep sense and meaning, translations have not necessarily got to be as poetical (but if you have nice lyrical ideas, don't hesitate to use them).^^

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Týkst Jede noch so kleine Kerze
Italskt Ogni piccola candela
Portugisiskt brasiliskt Cada pequena vela
Portugisiskt Cada pequena vela
Turkiskt Her küçük mum
Kinesiskt 每盞小燭火
Franskt Chaque petite bougie
Grikskt Κάθε μικρό κερί
Serbiskt Svaka mala sveća
Spanskt Cada pequeña vela
Danskt Hvert lille lys
Ungarskt Minden kis gyertya
Kinesiskt einfalt 每支细小的蜡烛
Arabiskt كلّ شمعة صغيرة
Hebraiskt כל נר קטן
Hollendskt Elke kleine kaars
Polskt Każda mała świeczka
Russiskt Каждая маленькая свечка
Ukrainskt Кожна маленька свічка
Bulgarskt Всяка мъничка свещичка
Rumenskt Fiecare mică lumânare
Albanskt Çdo qiri i vogël
Svenskt Varje litet ljus
Norskt Hver litet lys
Finskt Jokainen pieni kynttilä
Kekkiskt Každá malá svíčka
Bosniskt Svaka mala svjeća
Kroatiskt Svaka mala svijeca
Persiskt هر شمع کوچکی
Japanskt 小さなろうそくそれぞれが
Slovakiskt Každá sviečočka
Latín quisque candela quamvis sit parva
Koreiskt 각각의 작은 촛불
Litavskt Kiekviena maža žvakelė
Klingon Hoch weQ mach
Uppruna mál
Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".
Týkst Schatz ich liebe dich über alles in der welt ohne
Schatz ich liebe dich über alles in der welt ohne dich würde ich sterben schatz, mein herz springt jedes mal wenn ich dich sehe, oh glaub mir ohne dich würde ich sterben ich liebe dich honey
das ist eine naja liebes erklärung eine kleine

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Italskt AMore, ti amo più di ogni altra cosa al mondo
Bulgarskt Съкровище, обичам те повече от всичко
Uppruna mál
Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".
Italskt Prima di tutto voglio fornirle delle informazioni...
Prima di tutto voglio fornirle delle informazioni sulla macchina: sono il secondo proprietario , ho comprato la macchina l'anno scorso in Italia. La
macchina e stata verifficata dal meccanico ed e in perfette condizioni, senza incidenti , senza graffi, senza diffeti.
L'auto e ancora immatricolata in Italia , bollo pagato fine 2008.Il prezzo della mia macchina e correto ed è poco trattabile. Se siete interessati alla mia macchina contatami per metterci d'accordo per la transazione.

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Bulgarskt Инфо за кола
Uppruna mál
Enskt The development of commerce new technologies, as...
The development of commerce new technologies, as well as the growing awareness regarding consumer protection has lead to the development of a modern legislation in advertising.

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Bulgarskt Развитието на новите технологии в търговията, както...
Uppruna mál
Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".
Arabiskt النشيد الوطني السعودي
النشيد الوطني السعودي

سارعي للمجد والعلياء

مجدي لخالق السماء

وارفعي الخفاق أخضر

يحمل النور المسطر

رددي الله أكبر

يا موطني

موطني عشت فخر المسلمين

عاش المليك للعلم والوطن

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Franskt L'hymne national saoudien
Týkst Die saudische Nationalhymne
Turkiskt ٍSuudi arabistan milli marşı
Uppruna mál
Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".
Svenskt jag saknar dej
jag saknar dej

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Spanskt Te echo de menos
Uppruna mál
Portugisiskt brasiliskt Citação de Einstein
"O culto aos indivíduos sempre é, em minha opinião, injustificado. Na verdade, a natureza distribui seus bens desigualmente entre seus filhos, mas, graças a Deus, há muitos bem dotados, e eu estou plenamente convencido de que eles levam vidas tranqüilas e discretas. A mim parece injusto e mesmo de mau gosto escolher alguns para admiração ilimitada, atribuindo a eles poderes sobre-humanos de mente e personalidade."
Albert Einstein, após visitar os EEUU pela 1ª vez.
Retirado do livro Viajando com o cérebro de Einstein, LEIA.

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Enskt Einstein's Quotings
Franskt Citation d'Einstein
Italskt Citazione di Einstein
Spanskt Cita de Einstein
Turkiskt Einstein'dan Alıntılar
Uppruna mál
Svenskt sexhundratjugofem euro
sexhundratjugofem euro

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Franskt six cent vingt-cinq euro
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