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284 Originalo kalba Tai "bendrosios prasmės" vertimo prašymas. The Marx-Shumpeter model was not intended as a... The Marx-Shumpeter model was not intended as a model of industrial dynamics; its primary purpose was to explain long run economic change, what Shumpeter called " development." The core of the argument was that technological competition is the major form of competition under capitalism (and firms not responding to these demands fail), Pabaigti vertimai Marx-Shumpeter modeli | |
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124 Originalo kalba amitié Döm ej allt du ser, Tro ej allt du hör, Gör ej allt du kan, Säg ej allt du vet, Förtär ej allt du har, Låt ingen veta vad du har i hjärtat eller pungen message d'une amie originaire de suede Pabaigti vertimai Ne juges pas tout ce que tu vois, venskab | |