He used preuzimajte instead download in the first row, and download in the third.The word is the same, so it must be transladed (or not) by the same word.
Both cyrillic and latin alphabet are official alphabets in Serbia, although in this case it is better to use latin because of the english words which are not to be translated (button download video,flv,youtube)
Mozda samo dva komentara : zasto "preuzimahte" a ne "preuzmite" (svrsen oblik glagola) i zasto nije prevedeno "DOWNLOAD VIDEO" sa recimo "Preuzmite video" ?
Prvo, nije preuzimajte, nego preuzmite. Ako je u prvom sluÄaju preuzmite, onda ne može dole da bude Download video. MoraÅ¡ se odluÄiti za jednu opciju.