Na prvom mestu nalazi se generalni direktor kompanije „Epl“ Stiv Džobs. On je pretekao ozbiljne takmace kao što su medijski magnat Rupert Mardok, finansijski guru Voren Bafet i kompjuterski genije Bil Gejts. Imajući u vidu kakva su se imena našla na listi, može se primetiti da primat u svetskom biznisu dobija sektor intelektualnih usluga.
In the first place there is the general director of "Apple" company Steve Jobs. He outdistanced some serious competitors such as media magnate Rupert Merdock, the financial guru Worren Buffet and the computer genius Bill Gates. Seeing what kind of names has forgathered on the list, it can be noticed that the primacy in global business reaches the sector of intelectual services.
Huomioita käännöksestä
I don't know if I translated the names right.
Viimeksi tarkastanut tai toimittanut lilian canale - 5 Huhtikuu 2008 02:48
Instead of "Seeing what kind of names has forgathered on the list," I would suggest "Keeping in mind what kind of names have forgathered on the list.."