tak czule do mnie piszesz , ze trudno miec blokady ... kazda dziewczyna na moim miejscu stracilaby glowe . uzalezniam sie ... dzialasz na moje zmysly , na moje mysli ... i na moje serce
Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
Je remercie tout les membres de CUCUMIS , c'est bien de s'entraider pour mieux communiquer avec d'autres personnes de differentes cultures des quatres coins du monde. MERCI
You write to me so affectionately, that it's hard to resist you... Every girl in my place would have lost her mind. I am becoming dependent... You affect my senses, my thoughts... and my heart.
Senest valideret eller redigeret af lilian canale - 30 September 2008 19:46
You wrote to me passionately and i found it hard to resist. All the girls in my position would have lost their mind and moreover i am becoming dependent because you affected my senses, my thoughts and above all my heart.