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Oprindelig tekst - Rumænsk - EÅŸti în sufletul meu

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Eşti în sufletul meu
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Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Rumænsk

Eşti în sufletul meu
Senest redigeret af Francky5591 - 29 September 2008 13:06

Sidste indlæg


29 September 2008 12:05

Antal indlæg: 1285
With diacritics (not a native speaker):

Eşti în sufletul meu (You are in my soul)

29 September 2008 12:09

Antal indlæg: 8114
Thanks MÃ¥ddie!

Is this to be considered as isolated words, what do you say Franck?

CC: Francky5591

29 September 2008 13:05

Antal indlæg: 12396
Thanks Maddie! As requester is not a native speaker, either we leave this text as it is, in "meaning only", or we edit with diacritics.
As you bothered to type it with diacs, I'll edit and take the "meaning only off!)

sure not, Pia! there's a verb in this sentence, why should it be considered as a single word request?
Are considered like single words requests texts from which every word can be found as it is typed in a dictionary, but as far as there's a conjugated verb (infinitives can also be found in an online dictionary), moreover with a subject and an object like this one, this is not a single words request!

29 September 2008 13:16

Antal indlæg: 1285

My pleasure Francky!!!

29 September 2008 14:25

Antal indlæg: 8114
Ok, I wasn't sure.

Thanks for telling this again Franck.