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Oversættelse - Ukrainsk-Engelsk - Я теж, але як бути далі, то трожи стрьомно, як...

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Я теж, але як бути далі, то трожи стрьомно, як...
Tilmeldt af alleross77
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Ukrainsk

Я теж, але як бути далі, то трожи стрьомно, як подумаш

So do I, but what's to be done? It's a bit,...

Oversat af Masher
Sproget, der skal oversættes til: Engelsk

So do I, but what's to be done? It's a bit frightening, when you think of it!
Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
when you think of it/when you think of that/just think of that: this bit is not entirely clear in the Ukrainian text.
Senest valideret eller redigeret af Lein - 4 Februar 2014 13:18

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4 Februar 2014 10:44

Antal indlæg: 3389
Hi ramarren

Could you help please? Is this translation OK?

CC: ramarren

4 Februar 2014 10:58

Antal indlæg: 291
The translation is close to the original text in meaning, but not full. My variant (with some stylistic changes and addition of missed parts) is as follows:

"Я теж, але що робити? Це трохи лячно, просто подумай про те!"

4 Februar 2014 11:11

Antal indlæg: 3389
I think that would be translating in the opposite direction
Would you have another suggestion for the English translation? Thanks!

4 Februar 2014 11:34

Antal indlæg: 291

I would change only the part "just think of that" into "when you think of that". But the last part (after the last comma) is not quite right in the Ukrainian original, so different interpretations may exist...

4 Februar 2014 13:19

Antal indlæg: 3389
Thank you!