Auf dunklen Bänken sitzen sie gedrängt Und heben die erlosch`nen Blicke auf Zum Kreuz. Die Lichter schimmern wie verhängt, Und trüb und wie verhängt das Wundenhaupt.
Vërejtje rreth përkthimit
I would like to have translated only this first part of the song 'Die tote Kirche', by L'Âme Immortelle. Thank you. :)
On dark benches they sit closely And rise the extinct gazes up To the cross. The lights shimmer as if covered, And hazy and as if covered, the wounded head.
U vleresua ose u publikua se fundi nga Lein - 9 Shtator 2010 14:21
This looks good. I've set a poll to get some imput from others.
Just a style-related remark:
I think 'as if' would sound better here than 'like', in both cases, but especially in the last sentence. Do you agree? Let me konw what you think!