Cucumis - Huduma huria ya utafsirishaji mtandaoni
. .

Tafsiri zilizokamilika

Lugha ya kimaumbile
Lugha inayolengwa

Matokeo 89381 - 89400 kutokana na 105991
<< Awali•••••• 1970 ••••• 3970 •••• 4370 ••• 4450 •• 4464 4465 4466 4467 4468 4469 4470 4471 4472 4473 4474 4475 •• 4490 ••• 4570 •••• 4970 •••••Inayofuata >>
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kiholanzi zo snel gaat de mooie tijd dus lach maar
zo snel gaat de mooie tijd dus lach maar

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kideni Gode tider går hurtigt, så smil
Kiingereza good times
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kijerumani Denk ich an Deutschland in der Nacht, Dann bin...
Denk ich an Deutschland in der Nacht,
Dann bin ich um den Schlaf gebracht,
Ich kann nicht mehr die Augen schließen,
Und meine heißen Tränen fließen.

Die Jahre kommen und vergehn!
Seit ich die Mutter nicht gesehn,
Zwölf Jahre sind schon hingegangen;
Es wächst mein Sehnen und Verlangen.

Mein Sehnen und Verlangen wächst.
Die alte Frau hat mich behext.
Ich denke immer an die alte,
Die alte Frau, die Gott erhalte!
Heinrich Heine

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kihispania De noche pienso en Alemania, después se...
10Lugha ya kimaumbile10
Kireno cha Kibrazili vinicius de moraes
Soneto de Fidelidade

De tudo ao meu amor serei atento
Antes, e com tal zelo, e sempre, e tanto
Que mesmo em face do maior encanto
Dele se encante mais meu pensamento.

Quero vivê-lo em cada vão momento
E em seu louvor hei de espalhar meu canto
E rir meu riso e derramar meu pranto
Ao seu pesar ou seu contentamento

E assim, quando mais tarde me procure
Quem sabe a morte, angústia de quem vive
Quem sabe a solidão, fim de quem ama

Eu possa me dizer do amor (que tive):
Que não seja imortal, posto que é chama
Mas que seja infinito enquanto dure.

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kiitaliano vinicius de moraes
Kihispania Soneto de fidelidad
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kifaransa La mère veut que le père crit car l'enseignant ...
La mère veut que le père crit car l'enseignant a trahi l'espagne toute entière en donnant ces personnes aux franquistes , aussi parce que l'enseignant devait surement aussi enseigner à son fils et qu'il devait connaitre personellement la famille.
Le fils court derrière les camions en jetant des pierres tout en cherchant avec désespoir la face de l'enseignant pour l'appeler "traitre et criminel" , il ne réussit pas et a seulement le temps de murmurer avec rage : " Sapo , Tilonorrino Iris.
Il s'agit d'un commentaire d'un texte sur Franco

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kihispania La madre quiere que el padre grite pues el maestro...
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kiingereza Create an online-quiz. Send it to your friends....
Create an online-quiz. Send it to your friends. Let them answer your questions. See the results.
online-quiz = trivia game

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kiitaliano Crea un quiz online. Invialo ai tuoi amici....
Kihispania Creas un concurso online. Lo envías a tus amigos...
10Lugha ya kimaumbile10
Kiingereza Happy new year 2007!
A long time since my last post!
There is so much to tell! I will try to do it as quick as possible.

A [url=]nice article[/url] about cucumis was written by Mickael Arrington founder of the famous techcrunch blog reviewing the new web 2.0 products. Despite the article was quite incomplete about what we are doing here, it was very useful to reveal Cucumis to the entire world. Hundreds of blog articles were posted after this article, Cucumis was even featured on Finnish and French television. I've read many of those articles (those I can understand) and I was very pleased to see that most of the writers who tested the service was very satisfied by the quality of the translations we do here. Congratulations to all translators and, of course, to the [link=u_ml_0_exp_]great team of experts[/link].

Now the new features.

[b]This is new[/b] :
- Until now, cucumis was not designed for people who can't speak a foreign language. Now it is! If you can't translate anything, we give you [cid=TC_BONUSPOINTS] points every [cid=TC_BONUSDAYS] day!
- [link=u__]Who is online[/link], [link=u_st_]charts about new members every day, and country ratio[/link].
- [link=t_st_]Translation statistics[/link]. Looking at the pie chart of the translations to be evaluated, you can view the languages in which we need experts (Norwegian, Hungarian, Hindi, Swedish, Kurdish, Arabic, Korean, Albanian ...).

[b]This is very new[/b] :
All members can now add translations in their favorites. You can view the list of your favorite translations from your profile page, and there is also a [link=t_w_0_favever_]top favorite translations list[/link].

[b]This is very very new[/b] :
When the [link=u_ml_0_exp_]experts[/link] can't understand the source text of a translation, they still can evaluate the linguistic form of the translation but they can't for the meaning. Now, for the evalutations they can't do alone, they can [b]ask for the opinion of all members[/b]. According to the informations of your profile, you will be asked now and then to give your opinion on some translations. After collecting enough votes to make up ones mind, the translation is accepted or rejected.

Bye and happy new year to all of you!

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kifaransa Bonne année 2007!
Kiromania La Mulţi Ani pentru 2007!
Kigiriki Ευτυχισμένο το 2007!
Kireno cha Kibrazili Feliz ano novo de 2007!
Kijerumani Frohes Neues Jahr 2007!
Kichina kilichorahisishwa 猪年哼哼!
Kihispania ¡Feliz año 2007!
Kiarabu عام جديد سعيد 2007!
Kiitaliano Buon 2007!
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kibulgeri Заедно с теб свършихме много работа, решени бяха...
Заедно с теб свършихме много работа, решени бяха много задачи, направени бяха добри контакти. Независимо от това ние с теб не можахме да открием "..." и се оказахме в лошо финансово положение.
Това не трябваше да се допуска. Това създаде допълнителни проблеми, които трябва да решаваме занапред.

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kijerumani Wir haben beide viel Arbeit geleistet
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kituruki ya güzel de, bu hikayeler ispanyolca sanki. Biz...
ya güzel de, bu hikayeler ispanyolca sanki. Biz nasýl okuyacaðýz?
Se hace referencia a la posibilidad de que escritores turcos participen en una revista que se edita en español.

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kihispania ¿Cómo los leemos?
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kilatini apud rivos aestiva hora indulget sommo fessus...
apud rivos aestiva hora indulget sommo fessus agricola, ubi ripas tenerae herbae tegunt. diligenter agricola agros duro aratro scindit, poma matura colligit cum filio.

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kiitaliano Il contadino
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kiitaliano fabbrica delle nuvole, dedicato a
fabbrica delle nuvole, dedicato a
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kideni Skyfabrik, dedikeret til
Kiingereza cloud factory, dedicated to
40Lugha ya kimaumbile40
Kiitaliano cercare il pelo nell'uovo
Modo di dire
cercare il pelo nell'uovo
modo di dire della lingua italiana

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kifaransa chercher la petite bête
Kiingereza to split hairs
Kiromania A despica firul în patru
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kiingereza You can help us
According to the information in your profile you can help us evaluate some translations.

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kiholanzi Je kan ons helpen
Kireno Você pode ajudar-nos
Kireno cha Kibrazili Você pode nós ajudar
Kisabia Možete da nam pomognete
Kijerumani Sie können uns helfen
Kiitaliano Tu puoi aiutarci
Kiarabu يمكنك أن تساعدنا
Kialbeni Ju mund të na ndihmoni
Kiesperanto Vi povas helpi nin
Kideni Du kan hjælpe os
Kituruki Bize yardım edebilirsiniz
Kikatalani Ens pots ajudar
Kihispania Ayúdanos
Kigiriki Μπορείτε να μας βοηθήσετε
Kiyahudi את/ה יכול/ה לעזור לנו
Kiromania Puteţi să ne ajutaţi
Kiukreni Згідно інформації...
Kirusi переведен
Kichina cha jadi 您可以提供協助
Kibulgeri Можете да ни помогнете
Kifini Voit auttaa meitä
Kichina kilichorahisishwa 你能帮忙
Kijapani 手伝ってください
Kifaroisi Tú kanst hjálpa okkum
Kifaransa Vous pouvez nous aider
Kihangeri Segíthetsz
Kicheki Můžete nám pomoci
Kikorasia Prema vasem profilu
Kiswidi Enligt informationen i din profil, så kan du hjälpa oss att utvärdera några översättningar.
Kipolishi Mozesz nam pomóc
Kiingereza Information-evaluating-translations
Kilithuania Tu gali padÄ—ti mums
Kimasedoni Вие можите да ни помогнете
Kibsonia Mozete nam pomoci
Kinorwe Du kan hjelpe oss
Kiestoni Sa saad meid aidata
Kilatini nos adjuvare potes
Kibretoni Tu zo deoc'h sikour ac'hanomp
Kikorea 정보-검증-번역물들
Kifrisi du kunnst uns helpen
Kislovakia Môžete nám pomôcť
Kiklingoni cheQaHlaHlaw'
Kiasilindi Upplýsingar-túlkun-þýðingar.
Kiajemi شما می توانید به ما کمک کنید
Kilatvia informācija-vērtēšana-tulkojumi
Kiindonesia Informasi evaluasi terjemahan
Kikurdi nirxandina-wergeran-alîkarî
Kijojia ინფორმაცია–შეფასება–თარგმანები
Kiafrikana U kan ons help
Kiayalandi Eolais - áireamh - aistriúcháin
Kitai ข้อมูล-การประเมิน-การแปล
Kivietinamu Thông tin-sự đánh giá-những bản dịch.
Kiazabaijani bize kömek eləyə bilərsiniz
Kitagalogi Maaari mo kaming matulungan.
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kituruki abi sorun var mi
abi sorun var mi

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kijerumani Sag' mal, gibt es ein Problem?
Kideni Sig mig, er der et problem
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kiswidi Av de flera hundra vildväxande
Av de flera hundra vildväxande
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kideni Af de flere hundrede vildtvoksende
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kiestoni ema tuleb töölt
ema tuleb töölt

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kirusi Перевод
<< Awali•••••• 1970 ••••• 3970 •••• 4370 ••• 4450 •• 4464 4465 4466 4467 4468 4469 4470 4471 4472 4473 4474 4475 •• 4490 ••• 4570 •••• 4970 •••••Inayofuata >>