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Tłumaczenie - Portugalski brazylijski-Angielski - oi, meu nome e Leonardo, sou instalador de...

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Ten tekst jest dostępny w następujęcych językach: Portugalski brazylijskiAngielski

Kategoria List / Email

oi, meu nome e Leonardo, sou instalador de...
Wprowadzone przez l30msilva
Język źródłowy: Portugalski brazylijski

Oi, meu nome e Leonardo,

sou instalador de laminado e hardwood, trabalho há 2 anos para EMPIRE Today como subcontratado. Gostaria muito de poder fazer negócio com você. Meu telefone é xxx-xxx-8800. Obrigado.
Uwagi na temat tłumaczenia
Ingles EUA

Hi, my name is Leonardo

Tłumaczone przez Menininha
Język docelowy: Angielski

Hi, my name is Leonardo,

I am a laminate and hardwood installer.
I have been working for EMPIRE Today Company for two years as a subcontractor.
I would like to do business with you. My phone is xxx-xxx-8800. Thank you.
Ostatnio zatwierdzony albo edytowany przez Lein - 12 Luty 2010 11:14

Ostatni Post


2 Luty 2010 11:11

Liczba postów: 3389
Hi Menininha

Just a few small things:

- I am working since two years, or (a different word order sounds more natural here) Since two years I have been working...

- working for...

- to do business

If you agree, could you edit please and leave a message? Then I'll start a poll. (If you don't agree, please let me know!)

Thank you!

4 Luty 2010 11:12

Liczba postów: 3389

8 Luty 2010 13:46

Liczba postów: 545

I edited as you suggest.
Sorry for the late to reply these messages!

Thank you very much

8 Luty 2010 15:39

lilian canale
Liczba postów: 14972
I have been working for 2 years...

phone number

9 Luty 2010 13:58

Liczba postów: 493
Just a few suggestions:
--> "I have been working for [...] for 2 years as a...";
--> "I would really like to do business with you"