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Turcă Hali’in, tarihi Ä°stanbul’un, BoÄŸaziçi giriÅŸinin...
Haliç’in, tarihi İstanbul’un, Boğaziçi girişinin ve Asya yakasının benzersiz manzarası en muhteşem şekilde Galata Kulesi'nden görülür. Limanı ve şehri gözetlemek gayesi ile kurulan kule değişik amaçlarda asırlarca kullanıldıktan sonra, günümüzde de orijinaldeki gibi, manzarayı seyretme işi görmektedir. Asansör ile çıkılan kulenin üst iki katı restoran ve gece kulübü olarak organize edilmiştir. Buralardan ve panorama terasından İstanbul’un görünümüne doyum olmaz.
Lütfen kusursuz bir çeviri olsun .)
<edit> "restaurant" with "restoran"</edit> (Thanks to Mesud2991's notification)

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Engleză Most perfectly, incomparable views...
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Japoneză Lettre d'une enfant à son père
Merci de votre aide pour cette traduction.

Thank you for your help with this translation.

A sad father

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Franceză Lettre d'une enfant à son père
Engleză Letter from a child to her father
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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Engleză This is how you remind me..Of what I really am
This is how you remind me..Of what I really am
<edit>"i" (9th letter from the Roman alphabet) with "I"(1st person singular pronoun in English)</edit>

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Greacă Έτσι μου υπενθυμίζεις...Το τι είμαι στ' αλήθεια
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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Poloneză ChroÅ„ mnie, Boże.
Chroń mnie, Boże.
Bożę --> Boże. Dodałam też przecinek. <Aneta B.>

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Limba latină Tuere me o Deus.
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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Azeră Азербайджанские фразы
Sevgiye nifret edirem amma seni sevirem.
Xeyalla yaşamağı sevmirem amma seni xeyalımda yaşadıram.
Sensizlikle barışa bilmirem. Amma sensizken yene seni sevirem.

Ne qeder sevdiyimi bilsen ağlardın, titrerdi, donardın yerinde.
Gözlerim, üreyim ölenecen tek seni arzulayacaq, menim belalı sevgim.

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Rusă Я ненавижу любовь, но я люблю тебя.
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Engleză How to make a TV cable for a game gear
1 Construction
Download the Part Layout and Wiring Diagram and print it out (it might be a good idea to trace the wires with coloured pens if you don't have a colour printer). All parts required to build this circuit are available from Jaycar Electronics. Their range isn't very big so hopefully it should be easy for anyone to obtain the parts locally from suppliers with a similar basic range.
I'm aware of two internally different versions of Game Gear. The newer and by far the most common one is the single ASIC (Sega chip) version. The earlier version contains two ASICs and more ram chips. Here are some photos to aid in locating various signals on the board (though the circuit diagram should be sufficient for people who can read it). The power rail (+5v and ground) can be picked off a nearby filter capacitor.
The circuit will be constructed on a piece of matrix style proto-board (not verroboard, though the verro mob probably make it too). It's a phenolic board with a grid of 0.1" holes punched and a single copper pad for each hole on the solder side. To fit all logic ICs on the board we're going to take advantage of the fact that some of the ICs have many pins connected in parallel, and stack them on top of each other. This method saves lots of space and lots of wire. This is important because not only do we save many cents which would have otherwise been wasted on board and wire, but we can also fit the circuit board into the small empty void below the Game Gear's cartridge slot.

Here's a step-by-step (ok, more like jump-by-jump) pictorial guide to the construction and installation of the video amplifier/DAC board. This isn't intended to by a 'my first circuit' type of project - good soldering skills are required.

It's much easier to stack and solder the chips before they're on the board. Cut off unrequired outputs, join required inputs and bend out the pins on the 74HC374 first and second stories for the resistors. It's clear in this picture that I've forgotten to bend out the pin 11 clock input. On the left is the double stack of HC74s. Notice that I've connected the inputs of the unused half of the top chip to the inputs of the bottom chip, not +5v as shown on the circuit. I find it's easier this way, it doesn't really matter where they are connected as long as they are not left floating.
2 Chop up the proto-board into a piece 11 holes high and 30 holes wide. Solder the resistors onto the HC374 tower, stuff the rest of the ICs + bypass/filter capacitors on the board and we have something that looks like.
3 Now's the time to wire up the power supply lines to each chip. Once that's done all the logic wiring between the ICs needs to be taken care of. Keep the wires short and neat.
4 The final part, the video amplifier, is added in the middle. This connects to the isolated pads mid right in the picture above. Each input/output each need a wire soldered to it and poked up through an adjacent hole.
5 (Will come later)
Il s'agit d'un texte extrait d'un tutoriel pour fabriquer un câble TV trouvé sur le net. Certains termes techniques ne sont pas clairs pour moi.
Ici le lien vers le tutoriel avec les photos.

Traduction vers Français métropolitain.

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Franceză Comment créer un câble TV pour une Game Gear
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Engleză This feature is not available on the free...
This feature is not available on the free version.
No connection.
Please check your internet connection.
Message posted.
Hello, this text will appear in an iPhone game I am developing.
"No connection" appears when a user tries to download something but the iphone detects no internet connection.
"message posted" appears after a user successfully posts a message to his facebook account.
Thanks you!

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Rusă Приложение
Franceză Cette fonctionnalité n’est pas disponible dans la version ...
Italiană Questa funzione non è disponibile nella versione gratuita.
Spaniolă Esta función no está disponible en la versión gratuita
Portugheză braziliană Esta função não está disponível ...
Germană Dieses Feature ist nicht verfügbar
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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Engleză Just give me a chance
Just give me a chance

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Franceză Laisse-moi simplement une chance.
Română Dă-mi o ÅŸansă
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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Engleză I am in Lebanon now but I need to be ...
I am in Lebanon now but I need to be with you very much, I need you to give me a big hug and a big kiss, and tell me "don't worry".

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Turcă Åžuan Lübnan'dayım, ama seninle...
10Limba sursă10
Engleză Welcome to my daydream: ...
Welcome to my daydream: "Avant-garde ancient art-rock from Iran".
1. This is a musician's marketing slogan and the phrase in quotation describes his music style.
2. The slogan compares musician's music style to a daydream.
3. "ancient" alludes to ancient eastern music influences in his music.
4. The music specific "art rock" term for each language could be found at
For Dutch dialect please use "Dutch"

Traduceri completate
Rusă Слоган
Română Sloganul de marketing al unui muzician
Italiană Benvenuti nel mio sogno ad occhi ...
Daneză En musikers markedsføringsslogan.
Bulgară Добре дошли в моя блян:
Olandeză Een marketing slogan van een muzikant
Suedeză En musikers slogan
Poloneză Muzyczny slogan marketingowy.
Norvegiană En musikers markedsføring slagord
Sârbă Slogan
Lituaniană Sveiki atvykÄ™...
Franceză Bienvenue dans ma rêverie : "Ancien ...
Portugheză braziliană Bem-vindo ao meu sonho
Spaniolă Bienvenido a mi sueño...
Ebraicã התרגום שביקשת
Greacă Σλόγκαν Μουσικού
Germană auf meiner Träumerei
Limba latină Avete cum vigilans somnio...
Croată Dobro doÅ¡li u ...
Esperanto Surmerkatiga slogano de muzikisto
Turcă Bir Müzisyeni Pazarlama Sloganı
Chineză simplificată 欢迎来到我的白日梦
Ucrainiană Слоган
Macedonă Добро дојдовте во мојот сон ...
Cehă Vítejte do mého snÄ›ní za bíleho dne
Bosniac Dobro došli u moju maštu
Chineză 伊朗的藝術搖滾
Maghiarã Egy zenész jelszava
Thai ยินดีต้อนรับสู่วิมานดนตรี
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Engleză Human Encounter
As I came to Earth in 1981, I involuntarily came into contact with human race. Except for a few bright encounters, I found the rest, dark and ugly. “Human Encounter” is my diary of these encounters. This album is divided into two categories:

The “dark side” reflects the ugly experiences. I noticed that human beings have a tendency to call everything by a name and misunderstand it later. So I do not care what they may actually mean by a word like "evil"; but no doubt human beings themselves are the main source of terror, pain and destruction on Earth.

The “bright side” reflects the pleasures I encountered in this planet. I say no pleasure happens on Earth without a human medium; so the corresponding songs are dedicated to individual human beings. Of course at first sight, Earth seems physically alluring, but those are only temporary characteristics. The only immortal thing is what a man creates.

Now that I am departing this planet, I will only miss a few people like those I named in the “bright side”... Let the others putrefy in the abyss of time.
"Human Encounter" is a music album and this is the story behind the album.
I would be thankful if you also translate the title.
Please note that the phrase "Human Encounter" is a modification of "Alien Encounter". In "Alien Encounter", a human encounters aliens but in "Human Encounter", a being (here the storyteller) is encountering human beings.

Traduceri completate
Franceză À la rencontre du genre humain
Spaniolă Encuentro Humano
Portugheză braziliană Encontro Humano
Italiană Incontro Umano
Germană Menschliche Begegnung
Rusă Ð’ контакте с человеком
Poloneză Ludzkie spotkanie
Olandeză Menselijke Ontmoetingen
Suedeză Närkontakt med människan.
Norvegiană Nærkontakt med mennesker
Daneză Human Encounter.
Turcă Ä°nsan KarşılaÅŸması
Chineză simplificată 人之邂逅
Limba sursă
Engleză App d'Huez (Market text)
App d'Huez will help you to locate and then conquer all the major climbs near you. There currently are already over 400 mountains mapped.

This app will guide you to the start of the ascent and will then provide you with real-time data on the length of the climb, distance to the top, your current time and the profile of the climb. Back home you can review your achievements online, compare your best times to those of your friends, or even go head-to-head with some of the best racers out there.
I have an Android cycling app: 'App d'huez'. I would like to promote this free app in the Belgium and France as well by offering it in their native language.

market link:

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Franceză Une nouvelle application pour escalader
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Engleză Notes on a Music Album #3
In Ustuqus-al-Uss album I somehow inclined to jazz fusion and classic instrumentation. I think the eastern “blend” still dominates e.g. in “Ustuqus-al-Uss-al-Avvalin” which I think is the most progressive song I have ever composed (The second catchy guitar solo is performed by Pouyan). Some songs are extremely personal e.g. “Naught been I thou” which is an off-beat jazzy tune with unusual dance elements... These songs are my utmost fears and hopes - to a degree that made me mute from communicating by words. And thus they become instrumental sounds...
1. The word "progressive" in the phrase "the most progressive tune I have ever made" refers to "progressive rock genre". It means the tune that contains the most "progressive rock" tendencies.
2. "song" and "tune" are synonyms in this text

Traduceri completate
Spaniolă Notas sobre el Album #3
Rusă О новом альбоме
Italiană Note sull'album #3
Franceză Remarques sur l'album de musique n°3
Olandeză Over Muziek Album #3
Norvegiană Notater om musikk album #3
Poloneză Komantarz do albumu muzycznego #3
Suedeză Anteckningar kring ett musikalbum #3
Germană Notizen zum Musikalbum #3
Daneză Notater om Musik Album #3
Turcă Albüm Hakkında Notlar
Ebraicã הערות על אלבום מוסיקה מס. 3
Limba sursă
Engleză Pictorial Rock
I dream... and dream... and dream...
I live in my world of fantasy.
Walking in this world, I compose as I hear, and rest as I quiet.
Pictorial rock is a term I use for my music that is usually based on series of mental images, a nightmare or maybe dreams of a sound sleep... As a listener, you have to wait for the pictures to materialize in your mind!
1. "Rock" as a music genre.
2. "sound sleep": deep & peaceful sleep

Traduceri completate
Spaniolă Yo sueño ... y sueño ... y sueño ... Yo ...
Italiană Rock pittorico
Franceză Le rock en images
Poloneză Obrazowy rock
Olandeză Pictorial Rock
Rusă Графический Рок
Norvegiană Jeg drømmer...og drømmer...og drømmer...
Germană Rock-Malerei
Suedeză Bildmässig rock
Turcă Resimsel Rock
Daneză Pictorial rock.
Chineză simplificată 形象搖滾
Limba sursă
Engleză Stop tickling me.
Stop tickling me.
A Czech word that sounds like 'stuh-chee' seems to mean 'stop'; I can't find it and need some help. Thanks.

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Cehă PÅ™estan mÄ› lechtat.
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