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191 Langue de départ Hej Anna! Hur mÃ¥r du? Jag mÃ¥r bra. Hur har... Hej Anna!
Hur mår du? Jag mår bra.
Hur har du haft det den senaste tiden? Jag har haft det bra. Jag går i skolan varje dag. Det är jobbigt men roligt. Jag lär mig nya saker varje dag.
Hoppas allt är bra med dig!
Kram/Rezgar Traductions terminées how | |
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262 Langue de départ hong kong pollution On yet another hazy day in Hong Kong, the report "Less Talk, More Action" shows the growing frustration here about air quality. Six hundred randomly selected people were asked for their views on air pollution. One in four said they were seriously considering leaving Hong Kong and finding somewhere healthier. Traductions terminées Hongkong Hava KirliliÄŸi | |
395 Langue de départ Putovanje u Cesku Vrijeme provedeno u putu, u autobusu, bilo je najuzbudljivije. Putovanje je bilo pomalo zamorno ali predobro. Kada smo stigli u Prag ostala sam zadivljena ljepotom tog grada. ObiÅ¡li smo cijeli grad i divili se svim tim prelijepim graÄ‘evinama koje su me većinom podsjećale na dvorac. Upoznali smo i ostale ljepote tog grada i obiÅ¡li mnoge muzeje. Vrijeme provedeno sa druÅ¡tvom, u drugoj državi, ÄŒeÅ¡koj, ostat će zauvijek u mom sjećanju kao neÅ¡to najljepÅ¡e i neÅ¡to neponovljivo! Traductions terminées Çek Cumhuriyetine Yolculuk | |
125 Langue de départ transazione ebay salve, ho acquistato questo oggetto il 19 dicembre 2010 e effettuato il pagamento il 20 dicembre. Vorrei sapere se ha già effettuato la spedizione. grazie si tratta di un acquisto effettuato su ebay. Traductions terminées eBay transaction | |
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431 Langue de départ I don't get youI can't forget what ... I don't get you I can't forget what you've forgotten all along I've never been so alone
don't cry out cease fire
I was pretending your secret kiss of confidence was my escape the perfect game to play..
ten nine eight and I'm breaking away I'm all dressed up and I'm ready to play seven six five four and I'm all over you counting three two one and I'm having fun...
your fascination with naked walls of silk and skin with no conditions I needed you to notice.... that's all I wanted <edit>"Tchick!" went the backwards key and "Tchack!" went the key for "I", as "I" is the first person singular pronoun in English, while "i" is only the ninth letter from the Roman alphabet!</edit> Traductions terminées sana sahip olamadım ve ben unutamıyorum.... | |
291 Langue de départ Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification. De rechtbank De rechtbank is in de thans vernietigde uitspraak niet ingegaan op de beroepsgronden die de vreemdelingen hebben aangevoerd tegen de in de besluiten van 24 juli 2009 vervatte weigering hun een verblijfsvergunning krachtens artikel 29 eerste lid aanhef en onder b of c te verlenen. De afdeling zal daarom de zaak naar de rechtbank terugwijzen om daarover alsnog te oordelen nemogu tacno protumaciti dali je ostala pravosnazna moja predhodna sutska odluka . . . UNAPRED VELIKO HVALA ! ! ! Traductions terminées Sud | |
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228 Langue de départ Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification. Sıkıntılarım Sen ne diyorsun yine? Ben artık sana cevap vermekten bıktım ama sen anlamamaktan bıkmadın.
Her neyse, sen iyi ol,kendine iyi bak,gerisini boşver, hayatını yaşa.
Ben çok yorgunum ve çok sıkıntım var bunlarla boÄŸuÅŸuyorum. Hiçbir ÅŸeyi uzatmaya gerek yok. Benden bu kadar. Received from an ex friend of mine.... Traductions terminées Mes difficultés Trouble | |
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94 Langue de départ Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification. Ρε σεις! δεν ξÎÏω αν είναι τυχαίο Ρε σεις! δεν ξÎÏω αν είναι τυχαίο, πάντως Ï„ÏŽÏα τελευταία βγαίνουν όλες μου οι ευχÎÏ‚! Τελικά υπάÏχει θεός και μ'αγαπάει! Spanish or english .. n_n
Ïε σεις! δν 3Ïω αν ειν τυχαιο παντως τωÏα τελευταιαα βγαινουν oλες μου οι ευχες! Τελικα Ï…Ï€Ïχειι 8εος και μ'άγαπαειι Traductions terminées Hey you! Not sure if it's random, but ... | |
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