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Traduction - Portuguais brésilien-Grec - Uma andorinha só não faz verão

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Catégorie Phrase

Uma andorinha só não faz verão
Proposé par galega07
Langue de départ: Portuguais brésilien

Uma andorinha só não faz verão

Ένα χελιδόνι δεν φέρνει μόνο του το καλοκαίρι

Traduit par irini
Langue d'arrivée: Grec

Ένα χελιδόνι δεν φέρνει μόνο του το καλοκαίρι"
Commentaires pour la traduction
Note: Φέρνει means "brings" because in Greek we wouldn't use "Makes".

There IS a saying in Greece with the same meaning. It is
"'Ενα χελιδόνι δεν φέρνει την άνοιξη"
"One swallow doesn't bring the spring"

Dernière édition ou validation par irini - 7 Septembre 2006 18:06