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Traduzione - Inglese-Frisone - Message for people who ask for translations on the message field

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Message for people who ask for translations on the message field
Aggiunto da goncin
Lingua originale: Inglese

It seems you want to submit a text to be translated, but have done it incorrectly. In order to do it properly, you must click on [b]Translation[/b] on the top menu and then on [b]Submit a new text to be translated[/b] on the left.
Note sulla traduzione
Please leave [b] and [/b] marks as is, but translate the text between them.

Thanks! :)

<edit> "translate" with "translation" </edit> 03/01/francky

It liket derop dat jim in tekst

Tradotto da manadita
Lingua di destinazione: Frisone

It liket derop dat jim in tekst om oer te setten foarlizzen wolle, mar it ferkeard dien hawwe . Om it op 'e krekte wiize te dwaan, moatte jim op de knop [b]Oersetting[/b] yn 't boppeste menu klikke en dan links op [b]In nije tekst foarlizzen om oer te setten[/b].
Note sulla traduzione
Although the translation was not wrong, this is a submission of a more accurate translation:

Berjocht foar minsken dy't om oersettings freegje yn it berjochtenfjild

It liket derop dat jim in tekst om oer te setten foarlizzen wolle, mar it ferkeard dien hawwe . Om it op 'e krekte wiize te dwaan, moatte jim op de knop [b]Oersetting[/b] yn 't boppeste menu klikke en dan links op [b]In nije tekst foarlizzen om oer te setten[/b].

Ultima convalida o modifica di Francky5591 - 9 Luglio 2008 17:48

Ultimi messaggi


8 Luglio 2008 22:49

Numero di messaggi: 330
For reasons of accuracy, in my opinion you should replace the first translation with the second one.
This way the website will be more like you want it to be.
