Cucumis - Besplatan online poslužitelj za prevođenje
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Prevođenje - Španjolski-Engleski - Te adoro

Trenutni statusPrevođenje
Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: ŠpanjolskiEngleskiTurskiJapanskiGrčkiHebrejski

Kategorija Pjesništvo - Svakodnevni život

Te adoro
Poslao miguel
Izvorni jezik: Španjolski

Tu eres lo más importante persona que tengo en este mundo. Mi amor! No puedo vivir sin ti. Vivir sin ti me hace mucha falta. Te necesito conmigo. Te amo mucho. No tienes idea cuanto te amo. Te amo! Te amo!
Primjedbe o prijevodu
por favor lo necesito muchas gracias

I adore you

Preveo Lele
Ciljni jezik: Engleski

You are the most important thing I have in this world my love, I can't live without you and I miss you very much. I need you to be with me, I love you so much, you have no idea of how much I love you
Posljednji potvrdio i uredio cucumis - 17 studeni 2005 09:08

Najnovije poruke


17 kolovoz 2007 16:17

Broj poruka: 849
OK question: The translation is acurate as far as I can tell BUT we have changed the style of writing completely haven't we? (The Greek translation too). I mean the way the original is composed is (i.e. "Mi amor!" or talking twice in a row about living without his love) is a personal choice of the author and not something the language's rules impose.

Shouldn't our translations mirror the author's style as much as we can?