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Prevođenje - Engleski-Grčki - Hi! Your photos appealed to me

Trenutni statusPrevođenje
Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: TurskiEngleskiGrčki

Kategorija Objašnjenja

Hi! Your photos appealed to me
Poslao esemer
Izvorni jezik: Engleski Preveo buketnur

Hi! Your photos appealed to me very much and they influnced me...I want to meet you...if you want?
You are very nice...I don't know Greek or English a lot. Do you know Turkish?
For the desire of seeing you later...
Primjedbe o prijevodu
"I want to meet you" can be " I want we to get to know each other."

"you are very nice" is " you are very nice person" in original.

"for the desire of seeing you later..." is " for( or with) the desire of seeing each other again(or later)" in original

Γεια! Ι φωτογραφίες με άρεσαν.

Preveo jpante
Ciljni jezik: Grčki

Γεια! Οι φωτογραφίες σου μου άρεσαν πάρα πολύ και με επηρέασαν. Θέλω να σε γνωρίσω... αν θέλεις;
Είσαι πολύ καλός... Δεν ξέρω Ελληνικά ή Αγγλικά πολύ καλά. Ξέρεις Τούρκικα; Με πόθο να σε συναντήσω αργότερα...
Posljednji potvrdio i uredio sofibu - 30 kolovoz 2008 16:07